Stolen valor: Another downward revision in the Biden jobs numbers and it's a doozy

Ahead of President Trump taking office on Jan. 20, Bidenomics is still with us.

Joe crowed about all the 16 million jobs he'd 'created' in his speech five days ago, patting himself on the back.

Here's the White House public relations video:

It was stolen valor.

Turns out his jobs numbers look like this:

No net new jobs at all? Job growth negative, jobs lost left and right?

And what a coincidence, it happened just as election was on -- phony numbers for a political purpose -- right about when they had a plan to elect a Democrat.

This isn't the first time they've revised jobs and other economic indicators downward after first reporting them as impressive, indicating signs of growth -- which is politically advantageous to Biden. Back in July and as I recall, September, Biden was doing the same thing -- fake numbers to get a market boost, then, months later, the real ones.

That's particularly bad as a practice on jobs and employment numbers, because the Federal Reserve watches those very closely as they set interest rates. Bad information means bad decisions -- and quite possibly, recession.

But it's also disgusting for Biden. Rather than get the honest numbers and do something to fix them, Biden's approach is to report fake numbers, get the media plaudits and campaign advantages, and then release the real ones later when no one is paying attention.

Now the revisions are in and suddenly Biden's record is not so hot. Why anyone believes any of his numbers at all when they come out at this point is a mystery. But we know for sure that Biden is a failure on the economy -- just as he's a failure on everything else.

Image: Screen shot from White House video, via YouTube

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