$10k fines (and other penalties) for failing to fly the ‘Pride’ flag

Emo, Ontario is a tiny Canadian town on the Minnesota border, so small in fact that it doesn’t even have a municipal flag pole—but now the town finds itself on the hook for a $10,000 fine (among other penalties) for declining to fly the pervert banner (“Pride” flag) in violation of the province’s “human rights” codes.

According to a report by Allan Stratton at Canada’s National Post, the whole debacle began when a platoon of LGBTQ++ nutjobs organized as “Borderland Pride” petitioned Emo “to proclaim Pride Month and fly the Pride flag.” The city council voted down the request, so the queers ran off and tattled to the Ontario Human Rights Commission; the tribunal process began, and just two weeks back, committee arbiter Karen Dawson made her ruling:

She [Dawson] ordered the township to pay the organization $10,000. Further, the mayor was ordered to pay Borderland Pride $5,000 and, along with the township’s chief administrative officer, to take the Ontario Human Rights Commission’s ‘Human Rights 101’ course.

Dawson also condemned the township and the mayor for having “discriminated” against the group—but since no groups receive special month-long recognition, and no political statement flags get hoisted up a non-existent town mast, we can only surmise that Dawson is a useful idiot. Since when is equal treatment before the law considered discrimination?

Now, it’s worth noting that Stratton himself is a gay man, and judging by his personal position that the LGBTQ++ people deserve civic acknowledgment because it’s “Straight Pride Day 365 days a year,” he’s not exactly conservative, yet even he finds the “reasoning” for Dawson’s decision “confounding.”

Back when the township was voting on whether to make a Pride proclamation, the mayor told council, ‘There’s no flag being flown for the other side of the coin … there’s no flags being flown for the straight people.’ The tribunal found that this factually accurate statement was discriminatory because it ‘demonstrated a lack of understanding’ of the Pride flag’s importance and was ‘demeaning and disparaging of the LGBTQ2 community of which Borderland Pride is a member….’

Stratton rightfully acknowledges the case is evident that “unelected, unaccountable and quasi-judicial” powers are meting out “Orwellian judgements” to “compel speech.”

It started with “tolerance,” which led to celebration, but now, we see the worship of what is obviously an all-out cult, full of religious zealots, a requisite for civic acceptance.

But what else did “tolerance” bring? Well hefty fines and reeducation seminars, but I have the sneaking suspicion it doesn’t stop there.

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