When love congeals: Obama reportedly not taking Kamala's phone calls now

Democrats are quite a bag of snakes, lovin' their candidates in victory, and pretending they ever heard of them in defeat.

So, with the presidential defeat of Kamala Harris after a costly, hard-fought campaign, the Obamas reportedly aren't taking her phone calls.

The reports on Twitter suggest this going on:

What a wretched story. A whirlwind campaign, an Obama endorsement, a feisty debate, a billion spent, celebrity endorsements galore, Kamala $20 million in the hole, and he's not speaking to her now.

Shortly after her defeat, he made a statement about "headwinds" doing Kamala in, and later, aides spoke her mistakes, while ignoring Obama's, such as hectoring black men to vote for Harris, which seems to have actually driven black male voters to Trump. Michelle hectored voters as racists, too, no doubt driving away even more voters:

Now he won't even be a shoulder for Kamala to cry on.



Which is quite a shift from just a few months ago.

Back in July, Obama actually plotted with Kamala to oust Joe Biden as the Democrats' presidential nominee, according to this report from Seymour Hersh:



Kamala onboard? Obama might have been bluffing to scare Joe, but in light of Kamala asking around about the 25th Amendment "in a non-joking way" again according to Posobiec, the odds rise that she was not.

Obama wanted an open primary to select a candidate like Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly, but a bitter, seething, Joe shut the door to that by naming Harris as his successor over the weekend, handing over his formidable campaign cash war chest to her.

Democrats were thrilled Joe was finally out, so after other Democrats came forward, Obama eventually endorsed her:





Listen to all that gush about "friendship," and that this endorsement "means so much to me" from Kamala.

There was phony gushiness from Joe, too:



Trump saw right through it, by the way, making political hay of it on the campaign trail:



Now we learn he was right again -- turns out all that gush and love never lasted beyond Election Day. Now Obama's not taking Kamala's phone calls, and other Democrats are pretending they never heard of her, either.



They're probably worried she'll ask them for money, given her huge campaign debt left after blowing it on useless celebrity endorsements, and well, they love their money.

That's the fate of phony Potemkin candidates, who have no popular support beyond their paid endorsements and devouring political machines. A candidate is only valuable to them so long as they are winning. Anything else, and they never heard of you.

Obama is now cutting her dead and looking for the next guy in his continued plottings.

And as usual, Obama was thinking about himself:


That's sad stuff, and Harris, who's just as nasty and conniving as they are, but probably not as clever, probably knew it. These people don't have friends, they have rivals, prey, and roadkill. They're all a bag of snakes, and any Democrat without the deliverables turns into their mouse supper.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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