Trump’s win signals the end of the left’s control of the mainstream media

Trump’s electoral victory has advanced the demise of MSNBC and CNN for good reason. 

The fall of NBC, ABC, and CBS should follow. 

Each of these so-called news outlets has betrayed their viewers for as long as they have been on the air.  They consistently misled their viewers day after day to the point that Trump’s victory was a major shock to their systems. 

Rachel Maddow on election night

Those blinkered viewers sadly believed what those networks told them -- that Trump could not possibly win, that Harris would win in a landslide.  They misled their viewers so egregiously that those who only watched those outlets were understandably shocked by Trump’s win. 

Apparently, Attorney General Merrick Garland was among those who were stunned! 

One might ask how that is possible.  How could apparatchiks like Garland be so deluded by the American people’s disgust with the Biden regime’s abuse of power, which has seen their purposeful devastation of the country by their opening of the border to all comers without any vetting?  This administration has ushered into our nation all manner of criminals, pedophiles, murderers, etc. 

The profound and disastrous results of this plan to remake America will affect the quality of life in the U.S. for decades to come.  This was all part of the plan, beginning with the hate-America Obama administration.  Remember that he so earnestly vowed to transform America, and he did, although not at all for the better. 

The leftist media, all three networks, most cable outlets, and the mainstream press have long simply been arms of the Democrat party, which has become a Marxist/communist version of its former self. 

Rachel Maddow on election night

The American left has no relationship to the party of JFK.  It has been thoroughly co-opted by the Alinskyite left.  Obama came to office determined to take the party further to the left, and he did. All of our always-left news agencies willingly followed suit to propagandize for the far-far-left. Each of these institutions constantly regurgitated the pro-Harris candidacy as if her winning was a fait accompli.

Trump’s massive electoral victory broke them because they were so confident that the empty-vessel Kamala Harris would win for being the Democrat.  It never crossed their minds that the man they so hated could conceivably be re-elected. 

They live in a bubble of their own making. They deceive themselves, and so they deceive others. 

Trump’s ascendency was obvious to those of us who live in the real world -- the world of massive inflation of the cost of the food we need to buy, the gas we need to go to work, the health care we may need, the relief from sky-high taxes and government intrusion into our personal lives, etc. 

Each of the lefty news outlets has supported all of the policies of the grossly incompetent Biden administration despite the consequences visited upon the American people. But the fact that Merrick Garland was shocked by Trump’s victory tells us all something we should know: our so-called leaders/professionals are insulated morons, self-described elites with an imagined mandate to rule over us peons. 

They are the deep state, the evil entity that Trump seeks to expose and depose.  They are wholly and willfully ignorant of the needs and opinions of the American people. They. Do. Not. Care.

They, our leftist Democrats,  do not care about the people of the working and middle classes.  They do not care about the horrors that are visited upon the migrants who make their way to our southern border, the young children who are repeatably raped on their journey to the U.S. and then sold into sex trafficking; this is the fate of hundreds of thousands of them.  The Democrats do not care about the victims of thousands of criminal migrants who have raped, murdered, and otherwise robbed, beaten, and assaulted innocent American citizens.  They simply do not care.  We are bots to the left – beneath contempt, not worthy of consideration by most members of Congress.  This is true of the venal McConnell wing of the right ( we know who they are) and the shameless, vicious, antisemitic left. 

Trump won! The American people won, even those who voted against him. We fought back and elected the one man who actually does see common sense Americans as citizens who deserve a voice. This is anathema to the left.

Rachel Maddow on election night

We are to be instructed, not heard. We are meant to behave, not to rail against the government that abuses us with impunity via taxation, lawfare, surveillance, censorship, absurd regulation of small businesses, lockdowns, vax mandates, etc. The most glorious aspect of Trump’s win is the welcome evisceration of the media that has for years believed it was their job to tell us what to think. They did not realize that we stopped listening to them long, long ago.  Conservative alternate media has won the day, for now and for years going forward.

Image: Screen shots from MSNBC video, via YouTube

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