Now that Trump has won, it's time to talk to liberals about leaving the left
If his forces are united, separate them. -Sun Tzu, The Art of War, Chapter 1
People have begun to notice that these times recall the heady days of the Reagan revolution of the 1980s.
Many of you weren't around for those times, but it was wonderful.
Some of the parallels with today are uncanny.
From a media star presidential candidate that the Democrats and most of the press (it was just biased back then – not open propaganda as it is today) hated with the passion of a thousand white-hot suns.
To economic 'malaise' brought on by former President Jimmy Carter, an assassination attempt on 'live' TV, and the threat of communism (collectivism – fascism, socialism, etc.) taking over the world.
President Reagan went on to defeat that threat, along with Pope John Paul II and Prime Minister Margret Thatcher, to see the fall of the Berlin wall – causing the Democrats to hate him even more.
Something incredible happened during the Reagan years: he started the final destruction of the Soviet Union, something most people thought would never happen.
According to Nikita Khrushchev, first secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1956, "Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will bury you!”
These days, something equally incredible is happening: the left is fracturing from its hypocrisy and insanity. So, now is the time to talk to Liberals about leaving the left.
Now is the time to welcome true lovers of liberty into the pro-freedom community and leave the false monolith that is the 'left wing.' Leaving a dry, desiccated husk until it crumbles into the dustbin of history.
The falsehood is that the left is one 'inclusive' entity that stretches across one entire side of the political spectrum. Starting at one end with the authoritarian far-left with all of its collectivist 'faiths' communism, fascism, and socialism, to an amorphous moderate middle that the far-left still claims as its very own.
The big problem for the tiny political minority that is the fascist far-left is that they only represent a small fraction of the population, as proven by the results of the last election. Despite the overwhelming support they had from the nation's socialist media, they lost 'bigly,' even though they're busy now trying to convince themselves that they somehow represent a good portion of the people.
Many have had enough of the absolute insanity of the far left, and they are abandoning the party of projection for good. They are also turning their backs on the people who've lied to them all these years, the propaganda press.
It shouldn't have to be said that belief in a collectivist ideology is one of the primary differentiating characteristics between the anti-liberty left and the pro-freedom right, and that includes fascism, properly defined as "socialism with a capitalist veneer."
It also shouldn't have to be explained that despite all the lies and the left 'literally' tying itself up into knots with horseshoes, rings, and fishhooks. They cannot account for all the common traits between collectivist regimes, traits that true liberals are seeing in the left, causing them to recoil from its rank authoritarianism.
True liberals have been leaving the left for years in the #WalkAway campaign, and everything is new again: anyone who dares stray from what is the prevailing leftist dogma of the moment is branded a 'heretic.' As we have referenced before, it's how the left developed one of their biggest lies in How and Why Fascism and Nazism Became the “Right.”
So, how do we talk to liberals about leaving the left?
1. Start by acknowledging the vast difference between liberals and leftists.
I've been making this point for years, along with many others, including Dennis Prager, and it begins with the labeling. Liberty and liberal both come from the root word Libertas.
The archaic political meaning of the word "left" stems from the French Revolution. Interestingly enough, the Encyclopedia Britannica gives up the game in its entry on the word "left" when it states that:
Socialism is the standard leftist ideology in most countries of the world; communism is a more radical leftist ideology.
It is irrefutable that those leftist-collectivist ideologies entail force, oppression, and mass murder to operate, quite the polar opposite of liberty and liberalism.
2. Next, true liberals belong on the conservative – pro-freedom side of the political spectrum.
Collectivism is the antithesis of individual liberty, exemplifying that leftism is the polar opposite of liberalism despite the linguistic lies of the left. While leftists falsely claim to be liberal and include true liberals in their camp to inflate their numbers deceptively, basic logic shows they are different and don't belong in the same political spectrum. Hence the reason for the departure.
Note that it's the Liberal Party in Australia that is the conservative party, with this excerpt on what they believe:
In the inalienable rights and freedoms of all peoples; and we work towards a lean government that minimises interference in our daily lives; and maximises individual and private sector initiative.
In government that nurtures and encourages its citizens through incentive, rather than putting limits on people through the punishing disincentives of burdensome taxes and the stifling structures of Labor’s corporate state and bureaucratic red tape.
In those most basic freedoms of parliamentary democracy – the freedom of thought, worship, speech and association.
...In short, we simply believe in individual freedom and free enterprise; and if you share this belief, then ours is the Party for you.
3. Finally, we should be welcoming liberals to fold when they leave the left and #WalkAway
Granted, their policy agendas may be at variance from those of many staunch Conservatives, but we can do more with a majority in a big tent. At the same time, we have friendly debates with people who at least agree with us on the Bill of Rights and economic liberty.
There is a vast difference between leftists and liberals. One of the biggest political spectra lies has been the Liberal-Conservative paradigm. It's never made any sense, and now we know why it's been perpetrated.
It's time to welcome true liberals to the pro-freedom community instead of shunning them as part of the dying leftist political movement. It's time to make the fascist far-left a tiny minority that eventually disappears.
D. Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, former director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites. Find him on Substack.