Illegal vote-counting continues in Pennsylvania, and even the Democrat governor calls out the cheating

Democrats have said they never challenge elections and elections are clean and pure, but these lies have been on clear display in Pennsylvania for days. County election counters even bragged that they were ignoring the law.

After days of cheating and a second ruling by the state supreme court ordering ineligible ballots not to be counted, Governor Shapiro finally came out and said that the county officials should follow all laws:

In a statement following the ruling, Shapiro said: ‘The Department of State had advised counties repeatedly of their duty to segregate challenged provisional ballots and undated ballots in anticipation of a ruling by the court.

‘The court has now ruled on the counting of these ballots specific to the Nov. 5, 2024, election, and I expect all county election officials to adhere to this ruling and all the applicable laws governing our elections.’

When will the media and other Democrats come out and tell sanctuary cities and states that they must follow all federal immigration laws? The answer is never, because they pick and choose which laws they want to follow.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Merrick Garland, and the entire Biden administration never thought immigration laws that Congress passed applied to them. They openly violated their oaths of office, and most of the media cheered.

Democrat governors are bragging about how they will not cooperate with the federal government to enforce immigration laws with Trump’s looming second presidency, and I haven't heard the media or other Democrats lecture them about following laws. It is a shame they care so little about citizens.

Biden also never cared about the Constitution or the Supreme Court when he dictatorially used taxpayer funds to pay off student loans. He bragged about defying the courts.

I have seen the media and other Democrats complain about the cost of deporting criminals—and all illegals are criminals because they openly violated our laws. I do not recall the media and other Democrats caring about the hundreds of billions that have been spent, and would be spent in the future, supporting these illegals in the United States.

On a side note: We saw a lot of prize-winning economists lecturing about deficits and saying Trump’s policies would cause bigger deficits than Harris’s big spending high tax policies. Somehow, they aren’t supporting Trump’s quest to downsize the bloated government bureaucracy. Essentially, these economists and other Democrats just support big government and high taxes. They are propagandists pushing an agenda instead of conducting and offering an actual analysis.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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