The same people who were wrong about all things COVID hate Trump and love Kamala

I’ve been arguing with certain progressives over politics. My attempts to awaken them from stupor have fallen on deaf ears.

This is the pivot-point moment. The election’s results will determine our future as a nation, so it seems important to break through their “TDS.” If we can elect Trump (and keep him alive so that he can take office), we have a chance to redeem our country and get back on a positive track—a monumental task, to be sure. I am equally certain that if we elect the K-puppet, we are doomed to lose our culture, freedom, and ultimately, our great nation, which will be destroyed and become a failed banana republic communist autocracy.

Image by Grok.

The particular group of people I am trying to influence all live in no-contest, progressive states—as do I. It doesn’t matter on a national level how we vote in California, where I live. The overwhelming majority of votes, whether real or fabricated, will go to the K-puppet. But despite that, I find myself in the mood to argue, cajole, and try like mad to persuade.

I had an epiphany about why I am so motivated. I realized I felt very much the same during the lockdowns. I was equally as frustrated with those I love then as I am now.

I was certain, from the beginning, that lockdowns were absurd and counterproductive to good health. I saw that the “vaccine” was a dangerous and toxic substance, that the hospital protocols were bogus, that masks were causing respiratory distress and not keeping anyone from getting sick, and that our government was using the “pandemic” they manufactured to take iron-fisted control over the country.

Personally, I ignored all the lock-down orders I could, hiked every day, and wore the (mandated) “mask” where I had to, but it was made from loose-weave material in a single layer that was black, making it look legit. Most of all, I wanted to persuade those I cared about not to get the jab. My motivation was so intense that I wrote countless essays about it.

Nothing I said or wrote made a whit of difference. People I thought respected my opinion ignored me. Many of them had to keep jobs—thanks for that mandate, Joe Biden, BTW. Some employers were so fanatical that they demanded that their employees not let anyone who wasn’t “vaccinated” in their homes, so I couldn’t even visit.

I watched and worried and wrote and sweated. I watched people close to me get turbo-cancers and rapidly pass, one alone in the hospital with no family allowed. I watched another experience anaphylactic shock. Another, a young man, developed shingles...on his face.

In the intervening years, and currently, I’ve read and watched countless reports of children and athletes dropping dead playing sports, something that was as rare as hen’s teeth before the jab. I’ve also observed my neighbors’ health. While I can’t say for certain that the jab caused tremendous up-swing of Parkinson’s disease and general physical degradation in those around me, I do note that our community is something like 96% jabbed. So, who knows? When I was younger, Parkinson’s was rare. Not anymore.

But I digress. I could go into an all-day rant on this subject, and that’s not my point.

What upsets me is that the same people who didn’t listen to me about the jab, who now know I was right (not that anyone acknowledged the fact), are all fanatically anti-Trump. He’s a Nazi…he’s a pedophile…he’s mistreated women…he’s crass. He’s a danger to democracy. All the buzzwords they hear every day on the “MSM” (needs a new name, no? I think the mainstream public has up and left it!).

How can people now be aware of the evils of the jab and still trust their government and the media? They seem to have learned nothing and connected none of the dots. They don’t think about how government is supposed to work for us. It doesn’t.

My memory reaches back to the 1950s, so I’ve had a lot of time to watch the gradual changes in our society. I can say with absolute certainty that we are living close to the brink in more ways than just the industrial war machine’s greed.

Compare and contrast Venezuela’s downfall with our current administration—with the K-puppet and her vaguely elucidated policies—and you can’t help but conclude that her policies are just as wrong as the “vaccine” mandate was. They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions—I don’t think these clowns even have that much integrity. Just greed.

I keep talking to the group of people I’m trying to influence. I told them I’d shut up if they could give me one example of something good that the current administration accomplished or that the K-puppet administration espouses as policy. I’m still waiting.

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