The media and other Democrats couldn't care less about the little guy ...

Democrats always say they support the little guy. 

They're lying.

They rewrite Title IX rules to destroy womens' sports to benefit the miniscule percentage of men who pretend they are women. They don't think anyone has the right to protest beefy men competing and harming women and exposing themselves in their locker rooms. The only time they pretend to care about women is on unlimited abortion and their actual goal is to help Planned Parenthood. 
They pretend they care about poor and minority children but they block them from going to better schools when their government run schools are failing them. They don't care if that holds them back their entire lives. They care more about teachers' union boss Randi Weingarten than they do about the children. After all she donates to them and the children don't. 
And for elections,  they continually advocate for the end of the electoral college which has served our country well for almost 250 years by giving small states some power in making laws and regulations. 
Small states get two Senators and one representative no matter how small their population is. This gives them some say in how the government and country runs. Otherwise, it would be much easier to move to having one state have way too much control of the rest of us. 
Democrats can't stand the thought that small states have a say in who gets elected. They essentially want to stack the vote just like they want to stack the Supreme Court. 
It is pathetic that illegals are included when they allocate Congressional seats instead of just counting citizens but that still isn't enough of an advantage for Democrats. 
California currently has 54 electoral votes
Seven small states have three each for a total of 21. 
Six other states have four for a total of 24.
So, California has nine more votes than the smallest thirteen states and that is just not a big enough advantage for Democrats. They want to destroy the electoral college because they just can't rig elections as easily when it exists.They do not like the fact that each state has two Senators. 
Politicians would only have to spend money and  campaign in large states if the electoral college didn't exist. Democrats always talk about disenfranchising voters but that is exactly what would happen in small states if Democrats got their way. 
They also want to get rid of the filibuster that they used continuously against Trump, because they don't want the party out of power in the Senate to have any say. 
The Democrats don't care about the little guy any more than they care about womens' sports. They care about power. They would love for the electoral college to be abolished and the Supreme Court to be stacked. 
They need the Supreme Court to be stacked so no one tells them that they can't have unelected bureaucrats and presidents dictatorially overruling the legislative branch. 
President Obama said truthfully that he wanted to remake (destroy) the greatest country that ever existed.
It is a shame most of the media spends most of their time campaigning for these dangerous people no matter how much misinformation they have to spread.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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