The best thing that could happen to Democrats is that Trump wins
Were they to win this year’s presidential election with significant coattails in Congress, that would be the worst thing that could possibly happen to the Democrats. Why? How? Being seriously infected with deranged leftist ideology, the Democrats have no ability to properly administer a modern mega-state. The top of their ticket, Kamala Harris, is a character who just stepped out of a comic book — along with Goofy and Jughead.
This ideological infestation of the Democrats can possibly be pinned on the Obama presidency, with its inclusion of the Donna Braziles and Lois Lerners, etc. But the foot was originally put in the doorway under Clinton with the appointment of Robert B. Reich as labor secretary, who still remains doubtful of the legitimacy of private property.
Despite a herculean effort on behalf of media enablers, the American people remain particularly covetous of their usually comfortable standard of living. And needless to say, we would all become collateral damage should the Harris-Walz ticket ultimately prevail.
Other enablers, found at the Federal Reserve, just sprang a late September surprise by knocking a half-point off the federal funds rate. Yeah, the stock market enjoyed the news — but the price of gold also surged, meaning that the value of the dollar actually went down. In other words: today’s record Dow-30 at above 42,000 would be only around 34,000 if expressed in January 2020 dollars.
It may truly be counterintuitive to think that the Dems would really lose should they win — but success in politics can be an uncomfortable burden, at least in their case. Bidenomics is easily shown to be an abject failure. Yet Biden can at least hide behind his obvious dementia. Harris has no such excuse. Other than “joy” and palpable ignorance, she offers nothing. A successful political party is supposed to have devoted supporters — but going out of their way to offend ordinary folks doesn’t close this circle.
Competition is a wonderful thing. It benefits consumers by promoting both the quality and affordability of the goods being purchased. Where it’s allowed, schools that have to compete for student enrollees are naturally encouraged to provide superior results. Government, however, is a monopoly. To provide a check on tyrannical excesses, elected officials are supposed to compete with one another for the support of the voting public.
In today’s world, the Democrats and MAGA Republicans are operating on completely different planes of existence. The MAGA Republicans are pragmatically seeking to improve the living standards of the public — by lowering the tax burden, improving public safety, restraining government intervention in private life, stabilizing the value of the dollar, and suppressing the tendency for foreign nations to go to war against us and one another. The woke, progressive Democrats are, instead, seeking to make life ever more miserable by vastly expanding the power of government so as to deal with imaginary problems such as catastrophic climate change, racism, homophobia, and other forms of hate. In pursuit of this agenda, they are overtly advocating increased censorship of those offering contrary opinions.
Were Trump to be elected president again, the few remaining pragmatic Democrats would likely go back to the drawing board and begin working on ways to restore normal competition on the same plane with the Republicans. Kamala Harris’s plagiarism of Trump’s tax exemption for tip money was a lame, cynical attempt in this direction — since she was the singular reason Congress allowed the IRS to get beefed up in order to collect that tax.
Though all this may be off-the-wall speculation, should Trump win “bigly,” the Democrats would no doubt be plunged into some serious soul-searching. Thus far, Trump has always outperformed his polling. It may also be at least theorized that conditions on the ground might be even more conducive for a Trump victory than ever before. Though being mostly a local issue, crime is nonetheless through the roof. Also, Harris is so two-dimensional that the more exposure she gets, the worse she looks. And even though the Democrats have had oodles of practice beating up on Trump, the best they can do is to harp endlessly about Agenda 2025 — something that Trump had nothing to do with and that isn’t a part of his campaign...and isn’t such a bad idea.
Image: Gage Skidmore via Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.