On the political circuit, Kamala (fake accents and all) pretends that progressive Democrats are the saviors of the working class

Kamala is out chanting, in multiple accents, how great Democrat policies are for unions and all workers—but are they?

For years the Democrats have said the greatest existential threat to our survival is not China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, terrorism, or wars. Nope, it is the theoretical, few-degree temperature rise amounting to “climate change.” No matter how many dire predictions have been wrong, they repeat the mantra that we have to stop using coal, oil, natural gas, and other products that have greatly improved our quality and length of life. They say we have to get to “net zero” within a few decades or we will die. Since the 1980s, we have repeatedly been told we only have a few years left to make these radical changes.

So, let’s look at what will happen to union jobs (and other jobs) if we go along with the agenda and pretend that politicians and bureaucrats can control temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity forever if we surrender our freedom. Somehow, after billions of years where temperatures, sea levels, and storm activity have fluctuated cyclically and naturally, these green pusher geniuses have determined exactly what the optimal temperature, sea level, and storm activity should be! They are amazing! Kamala can’t list policies on her website or talk to the media, but she and her people have figured out the perfect, planetary homeostasis.

Biden and Kamala worked to stop pipelines and drilling on public lands, which clearly reduces the need for steel workers.

Democrats have been working for years to destroy coal miner jobs. 

The number of auto workers will clearly decline significantly if Democrats get their way to force us to buy electric cars.

We certainly won’t need as many truck drivers if we junk all the trucks powered by diesel. Where will we put all of the junk? I thought the media and other Democrats cared about the environment? For reference, there are about 3 million registered semi-trucks on the road today, and around 95.5% of the vehicles on the road are gas- or diesel-powered.

We won’t need as many workers at John Deere and other farm equipment manufacturers because small farmers won’t be able to afford the expensive replacements. Rural banks will go broke when existing farm equipment becomes worthless.

We won’t need as many road workers or heavy equipment operators if we no longer use asphalt or have gas powered machines. The battery operated machines are much more expensive and can’t operate as many hours without recharging.

I can’t imagine how many fewer pilots, flight attendants, airline traffic controllers, Boeing workers, airline mechanics, and other associated jobs will be gone if we junk all jet fuel airplanes. What will billionaires do with all their private jets? How much will airline tickets cost if we only have batteries or some other fuel powering them?

Why are we spending so much taxpayer money on rebuilding airports when the Democrats are actively seeking to stop using jet fuel?

We certainly won’t need as many hospitality workers because fewer people will travel. They won’t be able to afford it. Hawaii won’t have many visitors. How will the Obamas get to their mansion without a jet?

It will be humorous to watch the green pushers mine, produce, and transport wind turbines and solar panels without the benefit of gas-powered machines.

Isn’t this interesting? Big union leaders and other Democrats are reportedly more interested in politics than workers:

Is Big Labor Reducing Worker Wages, Opportunities for Growth?

But the Biden-Harris administration’s embrace of Big Labor—as in big national labor organizations, as opposed to small, local unions—actually hasn’t helped workers as unionized workers’ wages have fallen behind the wages of nonunion workers over the past four years.

Unlike small local unions that are in better positions to represent the unique needs of their members and that may even have productive relationships with management, the Big Labor movement is increasingly putting politics, power, and one-size-fits-all policies above the personal well-being of many workers.

So if you want to destroy our way of life and travel less because you believe Kamala can control the climate, vote for her. If you suddenly believe that Kamala, who wants to get to net zero, is now for fracking, vote for her.

If you want freedom, peace and prosperity, have an ounce of common sense and understand that the people who have no idea what causes inflation are dangerous Marxists who crave power, vote for President Trump.

Image: YouTube video screen grab, edited.

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