Mass shooting in GA: Left endangering people with media contagion

We are now witness to one of the worst excesses of the far left and their media minions: wall-to-wall coverage by gun-grabbing leftists cynically exploiting other people’s pain for their crass political gain.  These tragedies usually take place in the insane leftist “gun free” zones construct — which should properly be called massacre zones.  But enough is enough when their crass exploitation has been proven to produce a “copycat crisis” in a domino effect of societal destruction.  The time has come to consider the facts and make the case to put an end to this kind of cynical exploitation of tragedy, proven only to cause more death and misery.

This is one of those topics we’ve discussed before, and it becomes even more infuriating the more we think about it.  Our previous research showed that most if not all of the media are well aware of the phenomenon of media contagion.  But before we get into the weeds, let’s recall what is the usual pattern when it comes to the fascist far left and the national socialist media cynically exploiting certain types of tragedies.

First is the initial attack.  You’re correct if you think you’ve seen all of this before, because you have, but not for the reasons pushed by the propaganda press.  A mentally deranged psychopath carries out an attack on defenseless victims in a massacre zone (AKA “gun-free zone”).  In most cases, the attack is carefully planned out against an area where no one else can be armed except for readily identifiable law enforcement personnel.  In recent years, the chum bucket is usually a known entity to local law enforcement.

It’s then that the gun-grabber lobby, in the guise of Democrats and or national socialist media, swings into action with wall-to-wall coverage, making the chum bucket into an instant household name because leftists can’t help themselves.  They’re selling a fake sense of “safety” in the face of fear in the hopes that enough people are ignorant enough to think that confiscating guns from good people will magically take them from those who are bad.  People who actually think that criminals breaking the law will make a drastic exception and give up their tremendous advantage over the innocent, and if they believe that, we can offer them a great deal on a bridge on San Francisco Bay.

Leftists cynically exploit other people’s pain for their political gain.

We’re at this point now, and it’s difficult to shake off the feeling that the gun-grabbers would love to see more tragedy to bolster their case against common sense.  A certain amount of coverage is warranted in most cases, but the last day has been over the top, and history indicates they will take advantage of the story for as long as they can.  

There have been numerous scientific studies as well as articles in the media over the years, so there is no excuse for not knowing of this phenomenon, with variations in how much they directly condemn the fascist far left and the national socialist media, such as this example from a few years ago:

The first misery came as I heard the names and numbers of victims and thought about the pain they and their families will endure for the rest of their lives. The second dose came as I held my breath, hoping and praying the media wouldn’t amplify the violence.

But they did.

While a few showed restraint, most media outlets did exactly what they needed to do to influence the next perpetrator to lock and load.

  1. They named the shooter.
  2. They described his characteristics.
  3. They detailed the crime.
  4. They numbered the victims.
  5. They ranked him against other “successful” attackers.

Shootings are a contagion. After a full year where one pandemic has had its way with us, we have a choice now as to whether we invite another one. And the media are thus far acting as perfect accomplices to do so. 

The science is settled. There’s really no useful debate on the point. The consensus of social scientists since David Phillips’ groundbreaking work in 1974 is that highly publicized stories of deviant and dangerous behavior influences copycat incidents.

Studies indicate that this “hero worship” coverage will likely push someone else over the edge, and Comrade Kamala and the marketing arm of the DNC can then start the process all over again — once again, cynically exploiting other people’s pain for their political gain.

It’s up to you, leftists!  You can stop exploiting tragedy and save lives or pursue your power.

The evidence is clear that the left attempting to exploit tragedy for their crass pursuit of political power isn’t worth the lives it will cost innocent victims, no matter how they try to justify their actions.

Leftists are forever justifying their actions with the phrase “if it saves one life.”  Well, we know that another mass murder tragedy caused by media contagion will cost more than one life.  Thus, by their logic, they should cease exploiting these tragedies.   

The pattern is clear at this point, so Comrade Kamala and her media minions have a choice.  They can continue the process of media contagion and cause further tragedy, or they can think of people instead of their cynical pursuit of power.  If they keep on exploiting these tragedies, it means all they ever really cared about was power over the people.

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, former director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a longtime contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

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