Kamala Harris delivers a full word salad of drivel to voter questions at an Oprah forum

Kamala Harris ventured out for another softie interview and townhall, this time with DNC speaker Oprah Winfrey.

She ended up delivering a big, puddly, word salad, worse than she's ever been, saying absolutely nothing.

Oprah looked uncomfortable. And if any voters thought they'd get answers from Kamala in that forum, they were sadly mistaken.

Here are a few snippets, starting with a voter who just wanted specifics about her plan to control the border:



This pair asked her for specifics about what she would do to bring down the cost of living:



She doesn't answer that at all, and it's clearly because she doesn't know anything about economics, which oddly enough, was her college co-major. She doesn't know where inflation comes from, she doesn't know how government spending affects inflation, and she tries to shift the question to American dream parody drivel, leaving the couple asking high and dry. Does she think that isn't important to the young couple? Does she think they wouldn't dream of changing their vote? It was such a specific question and her facial expressions, especially at the beginning, suggested a deer in the headlights.

Kamala Harris like a deer in the headlights at Oprah interview

Image: Twitter / X screen shot

Here's another word salad, her conclusion. Notice Oprah's facial expressions as Kamala goes on and on, saying nothing:



Here she goes into hypocrite mode:



Why shouldn't she shoot a dangerous cat burglar who breaks into her home while she is still in it? That seems like a reasonable response, yet she says she shouldn't have said it. Says who? Is she answering to someone as a puppet? Or does she have plans to stop other people from doing that which she isn't telling us about? One set of laws for me, another set for the voters, is that it? Her fobbing the matter off onto her staff tells us something, too.

Here she goes into liar mode -- just as the phony claims of the story are unraveling in the press:



Here's a reaction from a youthful internet influencer who, based on what I see on her twitter site, doesn't seem terribly interested in politics, but enjoys Hollywood celebrity news:



If this apparently non-political person can rightly see that Kamala is an airhead, then obviously there's a problem. Sidley probably doesn't demand much from politicians, but a simple ability to answer a question seems like a reasonably basic expectation. Kamala wouldn't give her that, so she's not wasting time on her anymore and now she is looking elsewhere. She must be wondering if this is the best we can do for president.

Keep talking, Kamala. The voters are watching, and there can't be many who are big fans of gaslighting, drivel, bee ess, evasions, and loquacious dreck.

Image: Screen shot from X / Twitter video

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