Is the coast now clear for antisemites? Cornell reinstates prof who called Oct. 7 massacre 'exhilarating'
You would think universities would have learned their lesson on their promotion of antisemitism on campus.
After all, donors pulled huge endowments and top Jewish students went to other schools this past year as antisemitic protests engulfed elite universities.
But not Cornell.
They had a doozy of a Jew-hater on their professorial staff, and as campus tents went up, he went to town, spewing his thrill at the murder of 1,200 Jews by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 to all the impressionable kiddies who were there to listen.
According to the New York Post:
The radical Cornell University prof who lauded the Hamas terror attack on Israel as “exhilarating” and “energizing” dodged any punishment and is now back teaching at the upstate Ivy League school.
Shamed history Professor Russell Rickford was out for the past year on “voluntary leave” after widespread public outcry when he was recorded at an off-campus anti-Israel rally cheering Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, invasion that slaughtered 1,200 Israelis.
““It was exhilarating, it was energizing ….I was exhilarated,” Rickford said at the time — before apologizing for applauding the mass murder of innocent civilians.
They should put that word "history" in quotes. This is a freak who spews lies and calumnies.
But they brought him back, after a "voluntary" leave of absence after his outburst, and the Post said the university would not confirm whether it was paid or unpaid.
It's paid now, and he's made a disingenuous "apology" calling it a "horrible choice of words" that "did not reflect my values."
Really? He seemed to be very clear when he made his diatribe at a venue full of college kids, and his rhetoric no doubt matched those of the other speakers.
The university justified its act by saying it was done at a "private setting" rather than a university class, but that's a little disingenuous. Would they have done the same if the character in question was a klansman in a "private setting" or a full-blown Nazi? I don't think so.
The Post describes the university and its campus affiliates as brimming with antisemitism. Guys like Rickman obviously throw lots of fat on that fire. Bringing him back suggests a lack of seriousness about addressing the antisemitism on campus.
And as for the Jewish kids who go to Cornell, you wonder if they're going to feel "safe," given that the moral sewer Rickman and his fellow Jew-haters swim in is still flowing.
They didn't even require a "struggle session" from him in order to come back, let alone "sensitivity training." They just let him back after he said he chose the wrong words.
That's not exactly reassuring that anything over there is going to be different.
Image: Twitter screen shot