In his latest show, Ben Shapiro nails all of Kamala’s weaknesses

Ben Shapiro has some advice for Donald Trump regarding the upcoming debate. The most obvious advice, of course, is for Donald Trump to keep his cool and let Kamala run her mouth. However, what’s more interesting than that is the nine-item laundry list that Ben comes up with, each of which nails a spectacular weakness in Kamala’s personality, record, and campaign.

Here’s Ben explaining:

However, if you find Ben’s machine-gun delivery a little hard to listen to, the Daily Wire has helpfully transcribed monologue, which you can find here.

Here’s my take on Ben’s list.

One: Trump should highlight that Kamala’s been hiding from the media. He might even welcome her to the debate, mention her many ways of hiding from the public (no interviews, fake earpiece moments, etc.), and explain to her (and the public) that she doesn’t take questions because her current policies have nothing to do with her actual values.  

Two: No matter what Kamala promises to do, Trump should drag her back to the fact that she is the incumbent, especially because the public understands that Biden is barely sentient. In other words, either she or a faceless cabal is running America.

Three: Speaking of Biden’s lack of sentience, Trump ought to hit Kamala on the fact that she’s been lying about Biden’s ability to function as president to highlight that she is, quite simply, a liar. Even now, she’s still claiming Biden is on the ball and sharp as a tack. Trump needs to ask her why, if that’s the case, Biden withdrew. The only answer other than Biden’s being a vegetable is that he couldn’t win on his policies, which brings one back to Kamala’s incumbent status.

Four: Harris speaks gibberish. Ben recommends that Trump let her run out the clock on her answers to questions (no interruptions) and then say to her what he said to Biden; namely, that he (Trump) didn’t understand what she said, and he doubts that she understood either.

Five: Trump needs to drag Kamala’s radical positions into the sunlight. These positions, which she clearly enunciated over the years, include banning fracking, an open border, raising taxes (including on unrealized capital gains), unlimited abortion, reparations, and the madness of transgenderism. Kamala is espousing different policies now as to some of those issues, but she won’t explain why she’s changed her mind—and she can’t because she hasn’t.

Six: Kamala is weak because she has never succeeded with any of the responsibilities assigned to her. Ben’s examples are her failure as San Francisco’s prosecutor, her failure as border tzar, and her failure to stop the Ukraine war. She’s also part of an administration that couldn’t stop a massive Middle Eastern war. Actually, I don’t think Kamala is weak. I think Kamala is pro-crime, pro-open borders, pro-perpetual war, and pro-Israel’s demise. She didn’t fail to carry out these mandates; failure was the mandate.

Seven: Harris wants to become the country’s chief executive, but she can’t manage anything. She’s never won a primary—ever—and she has an extraordinarily high staff turnover, even in the pressure cooker that is D.C.

Eight: Kamala and the Democrats want to destroy all democratic norms. If she wins and Democrats have a majority in Congress, no matter how small, they want to end the filibuster and, once having done that, pack the Supreme Court, add Puerto Rico and D.C. as Democrat-controlled states (even though D.C. cannot become a state), and nationalize ballot harvesting. Every one of these acts forces one-party rule—that is,  Democrat party rule.

Nine: Well, nine is a repetition of six. Ben frames six as weakness and nine as not being up to the job. But the reality is the same: Whether because she’s weak or an ideologue, Kamala hasn’t gotten the job done. Moving forward, the same will be true. She’ll destroy America by being ineffectual, whether accidentally or on purpose.

Image: X screen grab.

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