Fun times: The embarrassing website issues of Comrade Kamala that promoted Joe Biden

Sometimes you really have to wonder about the lefties, the people who want to run your life but can’t even properly work a website.

No offense to our fascist far-left ‘friends’(not really, but work with us here), but for us it’s simply a matter of policy to never directly access their online screeds -- websites -- and instead work through TOR and one of the archive sites

It’s the same reason you wear heavy-duty rubber gloves when dealing with raw sewage. We prefer to avoid sharing our life story through an IP address. Granted, the probabilities are that certain entities can unconstitutionally invade everyone’s privacy, but there’s no reason to make it easier for them in the long run.

The upshot is that these archive sites can also yield some very interesting intel once you learn how they operate. Indications are that the Internet Archive leans left and this could explain a few anomalies. But the data on the collusions of Team Biden gradually transforming over the summer into Kamala in September are pretty amusing, to say the least.

The word is that Comrade Kamala finally posted something besides vacuous word salads about an ‘opportunity society,’ communazi price controls, and naked vote-buying schemes on Sept. 9 under the URL

According to (donning the rubber gloves) The New Republic: Embarrassing Copy-Paste Plagues Harris’s Launch of Policy Platform.

Kamala Harris seems to have borrowed her policies entirely from Joe Biden.

Shortly after Kamala Harris released her policy agenda on Sunday evening, users on X spotted something in the metadata: Much of the language appears to have been lifted from Joe Biden’s campaign website.

On Sunday night, X user Corinne Green pointed out that the issues section of Harris’s website contained metadata with language urging voters to reelect Joe Biden. This language was visible when links to the campaign site were shared, and in the website’s description on Google searches.

All of this creates the impression that at least some of the Harris campaign’s policy language was copied and pasted from Biden’s documents. That would be an embarrassing miscue from the Harris campaign, which partly came into being because of a perception that a refresh was needed to garner enthusiasm in the Democratic Party. It doesn’t help that the section on her website about her Israel-Palestine policy seems very similar to what Biden’s campaign was saying. 

That was funny enough, but as they say on TV, wait, there’s more.

This was a ‘breaking story’ for a few hours on ‘TNR’ and then, suddenly, it disappeared off the page, as though it was a heads-up to Team Commie chaos, and vanished as soon as it accomplished its mission. Ah, but once again the Internet Archive and Archive Today are here to help, so nothing gets ‘memory holed.’

And despite the quick action to put out this particular fire, everyone can easily go in and see their mistake in all its glory with just a few keystrokes, with the requisite digital PPE of course.

It’s just a matter of going to the Internet Archive through TOR to get to all the snapshots of that page:*/

Then select one of the first of a couple of snapshots on her ‘issues’ (yes, we like saying it that way) from early on Sept. 9, 2024, and once that is loaded on your browser, right-click to open the proper pop-up menu and choose ‘View Page source.’

And simply search on the page for “re-elect Joe Biden.”  

If it’s the proper file, you’ll see that they couldn’t even take the time to set things up properly.  And they deign to tell the rest of us how we’re supposed to protect ourselves without guns and live our lives. It’s funny on many levels, given the abject arrogance of the fascist far-left ruling cabal.

But wait, there’s even more.

It’s amusing when you realize that this web page was created just after the un-Democratic Party's coup d’etat.*/

The Internet Archive listing of all the snapshots taken of the page shows something very interesting.

For the better part of a week after the un-democratic elevation of Comrade Kamala as the candidate, it features a beaming picture of: Joe Biden, with links to his talking points and the previously mentioned references.  Yes, the people who think they can run the world had trouble swapping names on a website.  The funny thing is most people can tell the difference between Joe and Kamala, but then again, they can’t tell you what is a woman, so maybe their confusion is entirely understandable.

Comrade Kamala wants to pretend that she’s the ‘change’ candidate and isn’t the incumbent.  She’s trying to play it that she’s somehow ‘qualified’ because she’s not Donald Trump. Running a campaign about nothing and away from Biden, even her website betrays her on that score. 

D. Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, former director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a long-time contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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