Fox News’s Juan Williams plays the Trump-voters-are-racist card

Somehow, Juan Williams seems to think that anyone who votes for President Trump is a racist:

Opinion - Trump is at 48 percent. How could this be possible but for widespread racism?

At this point, the racism is obvious. How else does it make sense that 48 percent of registered voters in last week’s Fox News poll say they have no problem putting Donald Trump back in the White House?

Williams’s sentiments are just as despicable as when Hillary called Republicans deplorable and irredeemable. We don’t hear Williams, or any other progressive Democrats pipe up about “racism,” even when it’s actually happening. Does Williams say anything when…

The media attacks the black Clarence Thomas for being conservative? Joe Biden did all he could to destroy Thomas when he was first nominated.

Biden, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and others continue to lie about what Trump said in Charlottesville, despite it being an obvious narrative to do no more than gin up racial discord?

The media and others sought to destroy white Christian boys by falsely calling them racists for the crime of wearing MAGA hats?

When Biden treated blacks as if he was owed their votes when he said “you ain’t black” if you didn’t vote for him?

When Democrats treat blacks as if they are incapable of getting photo IDs to vote, despite knowing that they have to have photo IDs to live?

When Democrats keep blacks and other poor children from going to better schools because they care more about political supporters than the children?

When Democrats teach black children that they can’t succeed because of the color of their skin and that whites succeed because of their pigmentation by calling all whites privileged? That is pure racism.

When Democrats tell blacks and other minorities they should vote for them because the government will take care of them by giving them stuff instead of giving them more opportunities to move up?

When Democrats continue to advocate for aborting black children at a much higher percentage than their percentage of the population? Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was a racist who wanted birth control to build a cleaner race.

When Democrats continue to require that all government contracts comply with prevailing wage laws that have been in effect for over ninety years which were implemented to keep blacks from taking white workers jobs? The law has oppressed minorities for over ninety years; Democrats claim they want to get rid of everything racist but they force adherence to a purely racist law.

Of course, Willams and other people campaigning for Kamala don’t tell people to vote for her because of her foreign or domestic policies or results because the results suck! So they have to seek to destroy Trump and Vance.

And Williams and others certainly don’t want to tell voters how well blacks did under Trump prior to COVID. Real wages were rising rapidly for people at all levels and poverty hit a record low. The results were because of low taxes, fewer regulations, energy independence, a more secure border, and low inflation—not because of handouts.

In 2010, Williams was given a contract worth $2 million by Fox News. I have no idea how much he makes now to call anyone who votes for Trump a racist as he campaigns for Kamala. Seems a bit non-essential doesn’t he?

Nick Step, CCY BY 2.0 <>, via Flickr, unaltered

Image: Nick Step, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr, unaltered.

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