Former director of crime statistics at the DOJ debunks the ‘crime is down’ lie

Fact-checking the “fact-checkers” with real data and common sense.

Jeffrey H. Anderson has made a career out of analyzing data—during the Trump years he served at the Department of Justice as the Director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics, which puts out federal crime statistics, and now he heads up a think tank outfit known as the American Main Street Initiative, which focuses on offering “statistical” and “rhetorical” insight into the issues about which the average American citizen cares.

Anderson recently penned an article for The Wall Street Journal, offering his response to the presidential debate between President Trump and Kamala Harris, specifically the contention over crime rates. Here’s what Anderson wrote:

Contrary to Media Myth, U.S. Urban Crime Rates Are Up

The FBI’s flawed statistics hide the disturbing results of the defund-the-police movement since 2020.

Left-leaning commentators and advocates have insisted over the past year that crime rates are falling. ABC’s David Muir asserted so while rebutting Donald Trump during the recent presidential debate. The nation’s largest crime survey says otherwise: Crime rates haven’t been falling, and urban crime is far worse than it was in the pre-George Floyd era.

Anderson makes his argument based on the data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), a federal initiative dating back to the early 1970s and “one of the largest federal surveys on any topic.” Anderson goes on to detail this:

Excluding simple assault—the type of violent crime least likely to be charged as a felony—the violent crime rate in 2023 was 19% higher than in 2019, the last year before the defund-the-police movement swept the country.

He also explains why the NCVS numbers are a more accurate reflection of the state of affairs, most importantly reminding the reader that the Biden-Harris regime switched to a new reporting system “that makes year-to-year comparisons… difficult if not impossible” as well as the fact that the FBI lacks crime information from highly-populated jurisdictions with much of the violent crime, like the Los Angeles Police Department for example.

Anderson’s piece is a fantastic analysis and compilation of data, so it’s worth reading, but of course, all of his expert insight isn’t exactly necessary, because the evidence is unfortunately, impossible to avoid… unless that is, you’re a shameless liar like Biden-Harris pick Pete Buttigieg:

Crime is down… but deodorant and toothbrushes are locked up behind plexiglass.

Crime is down… but prostitution, an industry notoriously staffed by trafficked women and children, is taking over in New York City neighborhoods, with brothels selling sex by elementary schools.

Crime is down… because illegally crossing the border is only a felony on paper.

Crime is down… because theft and drugs have been legalized.

Crime is down… but foreign gang members are making the national news for seizing control of apartment complexes.

Crime is down… just as long as you don’t count the crimes taking place in the Democrat strongholds.

Crime is down… in Venezuela after Nicolás Maduro emptied the prisons.

Crime is down… but only if you ignore all the crime.

(For more, see a very well-sourced “FACT-CHECK” from the Trump campaign here.)

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