Bill Gates concedes there’s one problem he can’t solve: ‘misinformation’

Mind you, this is a story from CNBC, not The Babylon Bee, but Bill Gates has reportedly conceded there’s one major problem he can’t solve, instead “punting” it to the “younger generation” to remediate, and that is… “misinformation.”

While I would certainly agree that “misinformation, or even disinformation, is in fact a problem—Bill Gates is worried about the danger of false narratives? That’s rich.

It’s like Yahya Sinwar expressing concern for antisemitism, Joseph Stalin feeling consternation over forced labor, Che Guevara fretting about injustice, Hugo Chávez commiserating over extrajudicial executions, members of the Taliban voicing opposition to sex-based violence against women and girls, or African warlords being offended by slavery; Gates is one of the worst offenders for propagating false narratives! What a deflection—is this pitiful delusion or sheer dishonesty?

Well, I’m not sure, so for Gates’s awareness, below are four times the globalist geek spread major falsehoods, impacting millions of people worldwide for the worse.

Lie #1: Masks are effective against viruses. “I don’t remember talking about masks at all….”

Except, all the times he did push masks. In 2020, Gates argued that “we underestimated the value of masks” and lamented the “political leaders” who did not “help” (obviously a jab at freedom-lovers who fought for everyone’s right to breathe fresh air). Gates also said, “We need to get people to understand that things like wearing masks not only help yourself, but help other people.”

Then, in 2022, also from a CNBC report, comes this:

Bill Gates says when Covid runs rampant, masks are like pants: ‘You have to wear’ them

‘What’s the downside of wearing a mask?’ Gates asked rhetorically, and with a chuckle, at the annual Munich Security Conference earlier this month. ‘You have to wear pants… These societies are so cruel – why do they make you wear pants? I’m trying to figure it out.’

Covering your genitals in public is on the same plane as forcing people to subject themselves to the same torturous experiences of Abu Ghraib prisoners? Give me a break.

Masks are laden with “forever chemicals,” also known as PFAS, which are extremely hazardous to the wearer, as well as the environment when these masks are discarded; as they deteriorate, these toxins leach into our soil and water systems. In 2020 alone, 1.6 billion masks entered our oceans, which is equivalent to about 5,500 tons of plastic pollution, or around 7% of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, floating like a disgusting mass in what should be beautiful blue water—and that was just one year! People are still wearing masks. (For reference, these masks take about 450 years to biodegrade.) Save our oceans and ban masks!

Lie #2: Lab-grown meat is healthy. In a 2019 essay for MIT Technology Review, Gates stated that synthetic meat was about improving life, and didn’t “kill” any animals:

Next-generation protein [synthetic meat] isn’t about creating more—it’s about making meat better. It lets us provide for a growing and wealthier world without contributing to deforestation or emitting methane. It also allows us to enjoy hamburgers without killing any animals.

Put another way, the plow improves our quantity of life, and lab-grown meat improves our quality of life.

Lab-grown meats are laced with unknown chemicals, protected from public scrutiny as “proprietary information,” and it’s entirely experimental as it’s a new product—we don’t know what this will do to our bodies.

Secondly, the synthetic meat industry almost entirely relies on what’s called fetal bovine serum, which is sourced from slaughtering pregnant cows and extracting the substance from the now-aborted baby cow.

This is also coming from someone with obvious man boobs, a giant gut, and string bean arms—he’s not exactly the epitome of health with his body signaling hormone imbalances, inflammation, and atrophy. As one online commentator quipped, Gates looks like he “snacks on estrogen sandwiches.”

Lie #3: The Covid-19 “vaccine” is safe and effective. In November of 2020, Gates emphasized his “confidence” that any Covid-19 “vaccine” would be “safe.” As Gates said, the people in the government and Big Pharma were “doing their job[s] well.”

This one hardly needs any attention, as I’m sure we’re all painfully aware of the damage caused by these jabs. This was $cience, not science:

Lie #4: “Climate change” is an existential threat to humanity, caused by humans. Gates flies around the world in one of his four private planes, of course using jet fuel. Is “climate change” really a big deal and you’re just exempt, or is it just a ploy to usher in eco-communism? Gee, I wonder. As Jack Hellner constantly reminds AT readers, the planet experienced a cooling period between the 1940s and the 1970s, while man’s use of natural resources like coal, petroleum, and gas, all increased exponentially, while every(?) dire prediction from “climate” $cientists and experts has been wrong. Warmer temperatures and more carbon in the atmosphere means more life—which is probably why a eugenicist like Bill Gates is so keen to sequester carbon away, buried in cavernous storage tanks underground.

Gates says the problem of misinformation can’t be solved, but here’s a start; maybe the people spreading false narratives—like him—stop spreading false narratives? Too much to ask?

Ivor Brands, CC BY 2.0 <>, via Flickr, unaltered.

Image: Ivor Brands, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr, unaltered.

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