Big government is a bully, not a friend -- and definitely not a daddy

I detest bullies.

Government is the biggest bully, and those currently comprising it are no longer hiding it. Bullies are usually timid and lacking self-worth. It is terrifying when they are not. (See also: the Third Reich, the Soviet Union, Nurse Ratched.)

And there is no bigger bully than big government.

“Big Education?” The government funds it. “Big Pharma?” The government is in bed with it. “Big business?” The government taxes and regulates it. And is in bed with it, too, in this burgeoning fascist oligarchy birthed by allegedly democracy-loving Democrats (and more than a few establishment Republicans). “Big Media?” Nothing but pathetic pajama-boy cheerleaders for Team Democrat.

Big government takes the place of parents. Takes the place of spouses, especially husbands. Takes the place of hard work. And takes the place of God. Government doesn’t like any of the aforementioned, because it can’t countenance competition … that could prevent it from growing still larger. If parents take care of their children, spouses take care of each other, hard work will eventually pay off, and God can provide meaning, hope and sustenance … why is a gigantic government necessary? Answer: it isn’t. And actually gets in the way of a life well-lived.

This is why Democrats and The Deep State hate Trump … and those who would vote for him. He — and they — pose a threat to their power over you.

As George Washington apocryphally said: “Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. Experience has taught us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession, and when the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”

The bigger the government, the smaller the parents/spouses/family/work ethic/God. Period. Perhaps in perpetuity. So go ahead and vote for Kamala, vote for Democrats, vote for Socialists and Marxists. Solidify your place on the government’s farm, at the government’s trough. Say hello to Napoleon, Squealer, and Mr. Jones.

Republicans’ unwillingness and/or inability to effectively defend the conservative ideas that this country was founded on, such as limited government (of, by, and for the people) never ceases to astound and sicken me. With truth -- and overwhelming historical evidence -- on their side, it should be remarkably easy to do.

But, as someone once said, Democrats are great at defending terrible ideas, and Republicans are terrible at defending great ideas. I often wish I could have the attention of the entire nation to do the job. Simple facts, historical examples, and logical reasoning presented in a seamless, rationally connected manner -- with a little illustrative humor thrown in -- should suffice to change a few minds. One would hope.

But, then again, maybe not.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

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