Bias through the years: a long list of media infractions

For decades, most of the media has put forth tremendous effort to destroy people they don’t like, and to protect people they support. Evidence has been irrelevant.

During the debate, the ABC moderators spent their time seeking to undermine President Trump (even though he told the truth) and protect Kamala Harris, no matter how much she lied.

On Thursday night, they repeated an unverified story from CNN about what the black Republican candidate for governor of NC supposedly said online, back around 2008.

Of course this unverified story will be repeated far and wide by all the media outlets campaigning for Harris; this is standard procedure. If the NYT, WaPo, ABC, CBS, CNN, or any one of the other Democrat networks run a story, the others will act as mockingbirds, no matter how often previous stories have been untrue.

For over thirty years, the media and other Democrats have set out to destroy Clarence Thomas for the crime of being a black conservative.

In 2004, Dan Rather set out to destroy George W. Bush with unverifiable documents about his time in the National Guard as the media supported Kerry for president. Now, the media likes Bush, as long as he doesn’t support Trump.

In 2008, the NYT endorsed McCain over Romney in the Republican primary, and after they disposed of Romney, they ran a hit piece on McCain about a supposed affair with a lobbyist years earlier with no evidence. Later in life, the media loved McCain as long as he was trashing Trump.

Meanwhile, the media was spending a lot of time protecting Obama from the scrutiny of the public eye, hiding his relationships with terrorist Bill Ayers, radical Reverend Wright, political fixer Tony Rezko, and antisemite Louis Farrakhan

In 2012, the media set out to destroy Romney, including spreading the story, without evidence, that he didn’t pay taxes for ten years. Now they love Romney as long as he is trashing Trump.

In 2012, the media didn’t care about how much Obama had lied about Obamacare, his IRS targeting political opponents, the people left to die in Benghazi after another lie about a video, his ATF’s Fast and Furious gun-running operation, and the time he told Russia he would be flexible after he was reelected. To this day, most of the media pretends that the massively corrupt and incompetent Obama-Biden years were corruption-free and great.

And starting in 2016, the media, FBI, CIA, and other Democrats have colluded to destroy Trump with continuous lies and investigations; the most obvious ones being Russian collusion and the “insurrection” on January 6.

The media also ran pictures of kids in cages during the Obama-Biden years, but said they were Trump’s doing. To this day, they spread the lie about Trump and Charlottesville to gin up racial hate and division—ABC had Tim Walz on last night, who repeated the lie with zero media correction.

Of course the media never cared about the corruption or lawbreaking of Hillary. All the evidence suggests that her family got rich selling access, she mishandled classified documents, and obstructed justice. They also never care about all the women that Hillary and Bill mentally and physically abused and sought to destroy. The media still treats Hillary like she is an honest person.

The media, FBI, CIA, and other Democrats have also known about the Biden family corruption for years, yet continually buried (and still do) the story. When the NY Post came out with a well-sourced story regarding Hunter Biden’s laptop, they blacklisted it as they campaigned for Biden.

It is not only politicians the media sets out to destroy, they will go after anyone who threatens their agenda.

In 2014, a white cop shot a black, teenage criminal who went after his gun, and the media, along with others, started the “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” narrative. The lie was meant to gin up racial hate against white cops, and it destroyed that cop and his family. How many cops have been killed or injured because of that intentional lie?

In 2014, white Duke lacrosse players were falsely accused of raping a black woman, and the media set out to destroy them because it fit a progressive narrative.

In 2014, without evidence, Rolling Stone ran a false story about fraternity boys and rape. The story was repeated far and wide. No evidence was necessary.

When Judge Kavanaugh was nominated for the Supreme Court, the WaPo and other media outlets, along with other Democrats, set out to destroy him. They came out with a story, without evidence, of something he supposedly did to a girl decades earlier. No one cared about evidence or the truth.

CNN, Wapo, and others sought to destroy white Christian boys for the crime of being Trump supporters. They were falsely accused of being racists. The media didn’t care who they harmed with their stories—the target was Trump!

CNN also ran a story to destroy a man seeking to save people in Afghanistan. Again, it was a false story. CNN couldn’t care less about how disastrous the Biden-Harris withdrawal was but they set out to destroy someone who cared:

CNN Could Be Forced to Pay Upwards of $1 Billion from Defamation Suit from Tapper Show

The case hinged on CNN’s use of the phrases ‘black market’ and ‘exploited’ to describe [Zachary] Young’s legitimate business helping corporately sponsored Afghans escape the country as it collapsed around them and the Taliban retook control. Young’s clients included Audible and Bloomberg News - one of CNN’s industry peers, and he saved 24 people.

Freedman said CNN essentially ‘branded [Young] a human trafficker’ and a ‘war profiteer’ and broadcasted it to millions of households.

Jake Tapper, the host whose show the allegedly defamatory story ran on (The Lead), also made a point to note that people seeking escape were given ‘no guarantee of safety or success.’ Yet, at no point could CNN prove that what Young was doing was a scam. In fact, their editors admitted in messages that couldn’t find evidence of it.

The media, FBI, Biden, Harris, and others also sought to destroy border guards with the false story that they were whipping Haitians. Evidence didn’t matter.

Then they pretend to care about Iran, China, and Russia interfering in our elections with misinformation.

Most of the media are just puppets for Democrats. They are the ones who are intentionally trying to destroy America, not Trump.

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