Alabama’s Secretary of State purges illegals from the voter rolls, DOJ sues

Most of the media and other Democrats say we don’t need people to prove their citizenship to vote and we don’t need to have photo IDs because it is already illegal for non-citizens to register to vote, and there is no evidence that there is a risk.

Yet when Alabama finds 3,251 non-citizens registered to vote after they were given noncitizen identification numbers by DHS, and its Secretary of State wants to remove them from the voting rolls, the Justice Department, under the orders of Biden-Harris, sues them. They say it is too close to the election to remove them. Here’s the story, from TownHall:

DOJ Sues Alabama for Removing Noncitizens from Voter Rolls Too Close to Election

In mid-August, Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen had identified 3,251 individuals registered to vote in the state who were given noncitizen identification numbers by the Department of Homeland Security and had instructed the boards of registrars in the state’s 67 counties to inactivate and remove them from the voter rolls[.]

Why would it ever be too close to an election to remove ineligible voters if you cared about election integrity? It wouldn’t. They need illegal votes to win.

How many states hand out driver’s licenses to illegals? How many register to vote? Who knows, but it is probably a significant number. (See Olivia Murray’s “Why are nonprofit groups setting up voter registration booths outside of driver’s license offices in Texas?”)

In Michigan, election integrity advocates have to sue the Democrat secretary of state to remove dead voters from the rolls, which shows how little Democrats care about honest elections; they have 106% of the voting age population as eligible to vote.

Michigan’s Election Chief Faces Lawsuit for Refusing to Remove Dead People From Voter Rolls. She’s About to Get More Power.

Michigan lawmakers are poised to empower Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson—a Democrat who has faced six separate court orders to enforce election laws—to have more control over elections. 

‘They are systematically moving power away from local election clerks—who are not partisan but are hard workers—and up to the state,’ state Sen. Ruth Johnson, a Republican and former Michigan secretary of state, told The Daily Signal

Under Benson, the state voter registration rolls have 106% of the voting-age population of Michigan, Johnson said, arguing that Benson is an ‘operative for the far Left.’

Benson must have learned from Illinois and Chicago.

The bureaucrats at the Census Bureau somehow overcounted people in seven Democrat-run states in 2020, and undercounted people in six Republican-run states; these miscounts lead to improper allocation of members of Congress. The errors are so consistent they can only be intentional. Census Bureau employees obviously are biased towards people who want bigger government. Remember this, from the Heritage Foundation?

In a shocking report, the U.S. Census Bureau recently admitted that it overcounted the populations of eight states and undercounted the populations of six states in the 2020 census.

All but one of the states overcounted is a blue state, and all but one of the undercounted states is red.

Those costly errors will distort congressional representation and the Electoral College.

Democrats continually seek to destroy the Electoral College just like they seek to destroy the Supreme Court. They can’t stand the thought of small states having any influence, or having a Supreme Court that understands that legislatures make laws, not judges and unelected bureaucrats. The Constitution of the United States begins with “We the People of the United States….” It does not begin with, “We the people of the government….”

The founding fathers wanted the people to hold political power, which makes sense why the Democrats seem to despise the Constitution. 

So, if you want to return the power, freedom, and money to the people, vote for Trump, who the media has sought to destroy for eight years with endless lies.

If you want the greedy government to confiscate more power and money for itself, vote for the person most of the media is actively campaigning for, Kamala Harris.

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