Why did Kamala go all lovey-dovey with San Francisco's failed blue-city mayor, London Breed?

In normal politics, even a leftist politician might want to steer clear of associating with London Breed, the very unpopular mayor of San Francisco, whose city has become a dung pit, brimming with druggies, bums, and criminals, the crime laws going unenforced. She's a cautionary tale, not a model to emulate.

After all, in San Francisco on her watch, retail has fled. Major corporations, such as Elon Musk's 'X,' have moved to Texas. Residents have fled, too. Office vacancies and boarded-up shops are a way of life. Cars drive around with smashed windows. Taxes are through the roof with do-nothing city employees making six-figure salaries.

The city stands as a cautionary tale of what not to do, and most Americans don't want any of that brought to their hometowns.

But these aren't normal politics, and elites-appointed Kamala Harris is anything but a normal candidate.

So we get this huggy stuff from Kamala:

You can tell the two of them adore each other. And in many ways, they are alike, both rising up with little opposition in San Francisco's rock-solid blue government branches, Breed through public works and arts, Harris through the district attorney, both closely linked to Gavin Newsom, who was mayor before Ed Lee took his job, died in office based on ill health (sound familiar?) and was succeeded by Breed.

Both are fairly comely women, too, both grew up in the Bay Area, both slept with powerful men in San Francisco in exchange for gifts and political power -- Kamala with powerbroker Willie Brown, who said they "dated," and Breed with the now-fallen but once-powerful director of public works, Mohammed Nuru, who's now in jail for corruption. Both took expensive gifts involving fancy cars from their political squeezes, and Breed was eventually fined more than $8,000 for it.

Breed and Harris both have ties to now-Gov. Gavin Newsom and Willie Brown. While Harris served as his "girlfriend," Breed worked as his intern for Willie Brown, and what they did or did not do is not known.

In other words, both played the power game the same shameless way, and as both are black, both employed identity politics to the hilt.

Harris is about a decade older than Breed, and Breed, unlike Harris, actually did grow up in the projects, albeit some very politicized projects, featured by Tom Wolfe in his long essay "Mau-Mauing the Flak-Catchers." Harris grew up rich, but like Breed, from a broken home.

So that they would like each other as coevals, is pretty much a given.

But that Harris would go so public and loud about Breed being something special bears an uncomfortable suggestion that she doesn't see the disaster Breed has made of her city as any political liability.

That may be because Harris considers it a model: The low enforcement of crime. The vast and growing network of NGOs who "serve" the homeless, drive homeless policy, and go home to mansions at night. The bums on the street. The poop maps. The drugs and illegal-alien dealers kept from deportation based on the city's sanctuary city policies. The crimes against old people, few of which are ever punished. The cops defunded and the remainder retired at their desks. The mass thievery that has driven retail outlets to shut their doors. The food deserts. The massive taxes and huge public corruption. The one-party blue city premised on rigged elections.

That is what London Breed represents to the world and that is what Harris was embracing. It was as if it didn't matter, as if she assumed voters are all just ditzes who like the sight of two pretty women hugging and giggling together, and never mind the sky high taxes, the broken car windows, the boarded up shops, and all the poop in the streets.

It's insane.

Breed in fact is unpopular as heck even in her own city. She isn't the worst of them as can be found on the Board of Supervisors, but she is running for re-election in San Francisco's rigged ranked-choice system and pulls in 28% of the undoubtedly leftist voters, according to a San Francisco Chronicle poll, which is actually the highest of the candidates. She's rising because of her barely-there crackdown on bums and druggies. Tim Redmond at 48Hills, an old-line left-leaning journalist who was a top reporter back when I was a reporter in that city in the 1990s, is skeptical of the methodology, for what it's worth, and doesn't think she's as popular as that. But that number is low.

So Kamala was there to boost her, offering what's effectively an endorsement of Breed and her ways as a model for the entire country.

The Trump campaign should pounce on this because this is exactly what Americans don't want to see brought to their cities. Kamala may think voters are as stupid as she and Breed are, and she can get away with this, but this is exactly what drives voters to back Trump because it's the biggest face of failure on the left. Kamala isn't bothered by it a bit, and she doesn't care what voters think. That suggests something very strange going on with this election unless it gets better known because under normal politics, it ought to tank her numbers.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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