Trump honors the fallen troops of Abbey Gate, Biden and Harris go missing

Today is the third anniversary of the suicide bomb that killed 13 American troops, during Joe Biden's and Kamala Harris's chaotic pullout from Afghanistan.

One presidential candidate is acting presidential:





And the actual president has gone missing -- as has his designated successor candidate.

According to Tom Bevan at RealClearPolitics:



In other words, nothing on his schedule, and he can't make time to honor the brave fallen troops who lost their lives based on his generals' incompetence.



So unhonored they go, until the real president steps forward  -- President Trump.

It's a strange specter indeed, given that seems like a no-brainer for Biden, who has made so much of his claims that President Trump hates the troops and calls them suckers and losers. Yet here we are. President Trump is honoring the memory of the fallen.

Biden has "better" things to do.

His designated successor, Kamala Harris, is no better. She didn't turn up to this ceremony either, she who insisted she was the "last person in the room" when the disastrous pullout as initiated, and she feels 'comfortable,' as she told a reporter. In fact, she cackled about it.

The only known thing she is doing right now is attempting to change the rules of the Sept. 10 debate with President Trump after agreeing to the previous rules, which had been set by CNN.



Troops? Who needs troops? She's not there to honor them.

And beyond Biden's and Harris's unconscionable absence from the ceremony, Victor Davis Hanson points out that there's a lot going on in the world right now, for there to be a missing chief executive of the United States.



And with Biden AWOL, there's a lot of danger for us:

In conclusion, we are entering a very dangerous five-month period.

Joe Biden has been judged by the American people in the polls as too enfeebled to be reelected and declared by his own party to be too cognitively challenged to remain its nominee. That may suggest to foreign risk-takers that the U.S. president is deemed unfit by Americans themselves and thus conclude there might be a vacuum of rapid-response leadership at the White House.

The unspoken corollary is that the American people and both their political parties are certain that, while Biden is incapable of continuing as a normally engaged president through the last half-year of his tenure, he will nevertheless inevitably do so. And that conclusion is likely shared by enemies abroad, who may surmise that if there ever was a time to alter the current geostrategic map or the relative balance of power, that rare occasion is now on the horizon.

Who's really in charge here? And who is running the country?

Update: Hours after President Trump attended the Arlington ceremony and left, Slow Joe Biden, or whoever runs his Twitter account, put out a ... tweet. Harris did so four hours earlier, but only on her official @vp Twitter site, not her personal one with campaign news and a bigger audience. Somebody looking at polls?

Image: Twitter video screen shot

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