'Three Stooge' diplomacy is back: Harris-Biden team offers Venezuela's Maduro amnesty in exchange for quitting

In a "free and fair" election, which is what the Harris-Biden administration reportedly traded with Venezuela's Maduro regime in exchange for oil investment and dropping someU.S. sanctions, the loser of the election steps down.

It was a stupid trade, given that Maduro, a dictator, never intended to relinquish power. In front of everyone's faces, he put forth a fraudy election on July 28 and claimed he "won." He collected his winnings from the deal and left Harris-Biden with nothing.

Because instead of restoring sanctions, yanking oil contracts, taking some Miami properties, and throwing a few Maduroites here in the states in jail, the Harris-Biden team is now trying to sweet-talk Maduro into leaving office by dangling an amnesty offer.

According to Semafor, citing an exclusive from the Wall Street Journal:

The US is planning a last-ditch effort to offer amnesty to Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro in exchange for stepping down, as mounting evidence shows he lost last month’s election, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The US has discussed pardons for Maduro and his top allies who are facing criminal indictments on narco-terrorism and drug trafficking charges, and sources told The Journal that the US may be open to dropping extradition efforts for those involved.

The Biden administration has put “everything on the table” to convince Maduro to cede power before January, one source said.

What a pathetic show.

Maduro is laughing at this offer as nonsense, sticking to his story that he "won" the election, and rounding up 2,000 dissidents for torture and prison to enact a Cuba-style reign of terror, consolidating his dictatorship amid unrest. The dissidents are worse off than ever, now that this foolish deal was enacted.

So now the Bidenites are trying to hold out a carrot to Maduro, as if that will persuade him to recognize the results of his election, step down, and suddenly make them free and fair.

'We promise we won't arrest you,' they effectively are saying, despite all that drug-dealing you've been doing to the United States, which is why the sanctions are there in the first place.

That's what's supposed to salvage the disastrous deal. Maduro can go on with his drug dealing to the U.S., and all will be happy.

But Maduro doesn't need an offer of amnesty now that has allies have come to help him. He sought and obtained firm backing from Cuba, China, Russia and Iran, and got it. That's what gives him his free hand to beat and jail dissidents now with impunity. It's just like Putin and the others are doing.

Maduro of course is laughing at the whole specter of the U.S. begging him to step down in exchange for amnesty and has turned on the old Latin American staple argument that the U.S. should quit interfering in the "internal affairs" of Venezuela.

Now the Harris-Biden administration at the State Department has gone into damage control mode, telling McClatchy News Service that they weren't offering that at all:

The Biden administration has not offered Nicolás Maduro and his aides any form of amnesty to leave power in Venezuela, but is open to all possibilities as it works to find a way out of the country’s political crisis, a senior administration official told McClatchy on Sunday.

The U.S. has concluded that Maduro lost last month’s presidential election there in a decisive vote. But Maduro has refused to acknowledge the results, declaring himself the victor instead and cracking down on democratic opposition with sweeping arrests.

“We have not made any offers of amnesty to Maduro or others since the election,” the official, who spoke under condition of anonymity, said. “We are considering a range of options to incentivize and pressure Maduro to recognize the election results and will continue to do so.”

“The responsibility is on Maduro and the Venezuela’s electoral authorities to come clean on the election results,” the official added.
Their claim to be considering all options and leaving all ideas on the table, by definition would include amnesty. It's obvious they are offering him something pretty unsavory to the U.S., based out of weakness, which is why the story leaked to the press.
What they should be doing is hitting him with a much harder stick, putting sanctions back on, taking some beachfront property held by Chavista elites in Miami or wherever they have it, and mailing him pictures of Gen. Noriega.
Semafor did cite the Journal is saying that if President Trump got into office, all of this crap would end and Maduro would have lots to worry about.
The US offers could fall flat if former President Donald Trump is re-elected in November, The Journal reported, given his previous hardline approach to Venezuela.
What does that say about the Harris-Biden administration. As with everything they have done with Maduro, it's been ill-advised, the work of amateurs, the Venezuela team called "the three stooges" of diplomacy, by a former U.S. ambassador to Venezuela. They've lived up to their name with this one.
All they did was reveal to Maduro how weak their hand is. and convinced him that he should be able to get away with holding power through his rampantly fraudulent election. What a disgrace.
Image: Screen shot from Canal 26 video, via YouTube
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