So let's take a look at the profit margins of one grocery chain that Kamala claims is 'price gauging'

Kamala, and these who surround her and support her claim that that gross profit margins are up among food producers and retailers and that is proof that they are gouging consumers.

That is BS or pure stupidity. You can tell they never ran a business. 

Kamala says she is going to focus like a laser beam on grocery stores who are guilty of "price gauging" as she, sic, put it.

These people get so aggravated if someone pronounces her name wrong but she can't even read a teleprompter and pronounce "gouging" correctly.

They clearly don't understand direct costs and overhead or indirect costs.
A grocery store's net income is very low as a percentage of sales. 
Here is an article showing the net profit margin of Kroger, a major retail grocery chain, in each quarter from 2012 to April 2024. 
The profits (losses) range from a low of negative 1.44% to a positive 5.37% for one quarter in 2018. The second highest quarter is 2.92% during COVID. In April of 2024, the profit margin is a whopping 2.09%.
Now which of those profit margin numbers indicates that the company is screwing its customers and that the government should come in and control them?
The companies and shareholders risk billions of dollars building grocery store chains and somehow a 2.09% profit margin is too high. 
Here are some indirect costs at a grocery store that are not included in the gross margin:
  • salaries
  • payroll taxes
  • health insurance
  • liability insurance
  • delivery costs
  • property taxes
  • equipment repairs and maintenance
  • building repairs
  • supplies
  • utilities 
  • building insurance
These and other indirect costs have greatly increased because of the inflation caused by Democrat policies, and grocery store gross margins have to increase substantially to end up with the same net margin!
Supposedly real wages are rising faster than inflation and Democrats want that so they would have to raise gross margins to cover that. They also want to raise minimum wages and always demand more benefits. How would Kroger cover that without raising prices since their margin is so thin? Think of how many more employees would have to be added to the government and to businesses if they had to comply with these additional regulations. 
Think about how much prices would have to go up if the Democrats get their way with their radical green policies. 
Democrats also want to raise corporate taxes and taxes on capital gains and dividends which are already double taxed. The only way to maintain a 2% profit margin is to raise prices further and that exacerbateses inflation. Nothing the Democrats have proposed would reduce inflation. 
Trump has the solutions. More capitalism, smaller government, fewer regulations, lower taxes, and more reasonably priced energy. 
Grocery stores are not gouging. Democrats are trying to divert blame for high prices from themselves. 
It is a true shame that the media doesn't show a graph of what grocery store margins are instead of campaigning for these people whose goal is to make the government more powerful and to make more people dependent on the government for their survival. 
Kamala says her policies are about creating opportunities. The only opportunity is to create more government bureaucrats. 

They are intent on remaking (destroying) the greatest country that ever existed.

Jack Hellner is a certified public accountant.

Image: PxHere // CC0 public domain

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