RFK, Jr. shows Biden and his Democrats what 'selfless' is

At the Democrat National Convention, Democrats made a big deal about Joe Biden being all selfless for his 'decision' to pull out of the race and hand his delegates and apparently, campaign money, to Kamala Harris.

According to The Guardian, House Speaker emerita Nancy Pelosi, who ousted Biden, led that wretched charge, having also let the effort to give Joe the boot:

“A great sacrifice was made here,” said Pelosi, who will seek another term – her 20th – in November’s elections.

It filtered down to the groundlings in the pits. According to WisPolitics, one Wisconsin delegate said:

Racine resident Rey Villar said he thought Biden’s speech was “the perfect farewell.”

“He really did sacrifice himself for the good of the country. He’s been a great president, but he knew that he had to step down and let Kamala move forward in order to save the country,” Villar said. “That’s the big difference between him and Trump. He always puts the country before himself.”

Bill Clinton went into full glurge mode, all tears and flapdoodle straight out of Mark Twain with this narrative, biting his lip and practically wiping a tear from the corner of his eye:

Perhaps the greatest test of anyone in power is whether they’re willing to relinquish it. George Washington knew that and it enhanced his legacy. The same is now true for Joe Biden. Mr. President, thank you for your courage, compassion, and class; for your service and your sacrifice. You have not only kept the faith—you are spreading the faith.

Try not to vomit.

Then there was Harris, who had a lot of such fake flattery, too:

To our president, Joe Biden. When I think about the path that we have traveled together, Joe, I am filled with gratitude. Your record is extraordinary, as history will show, and your character is inspiring. And Doug and I love you and Jill, and are forever thankful to you both.

Selfless, sacrificing, inspiring. Sound like the Joe Biden you know?

It came into sharp relief when independent former Democrat-turned-independent Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. stole the convention's thunder by suspending his own campaign one day after Democrats ended their convention, pulling his name off the ballot in swing states, and explicitly endorsing President Trump in an amazingly moving decision:

Here's the daming-to-Democrats pullout, a very powerful speech:



And here's the thundrous response to his endorsement of Trump that he received in return:



Here's the transcript.

That was where the real unselfishness happened. He gave up his party, took flak from his family, even upset his wife to embrace Trump, because as he stated, the Democrats had become the party of corruption, big donors, big tech, lawfare and rigging, which was a powerful statement indeed.

It had to have been hard for him, given that his family name for many defines Democrats; he has many liberal views that do not match those of most MAGA supporters, and ... it was so unlike anything seen in politics.

That's sacrifice. I feel for him in that what he doing is so different from what he was raised to do, but he's doing it for a higher purpose, for a principle, and knows that joining the other guy who's been abused by Democrats beyond any human endurance might just be the guy to make space for him.

Trump, to his credit, was extremely cordial and respectful, recognizing full well the significance of the moment, and all the good that RFK, Jr. can do for advancing a system premised on fairness and rule of law and actual freedom. He could also be very effective in a cabinet or commission post -- hosing out the CIA files, and as he stated, going after Big Ag and Big Pharma for all the bad things they are foisting on the public, from harmful additives in food to untested vaccines. Someone needs to do that. 

Hard as it was, it was heroic, it was like he was avenging his assassinated father and uncle who largely stood on these principles, too, and certainly did not resemble the Democrats of today.

For Trump the exit from the Democrats was amazing, wondrous, news.



As Kennedy's speeches indicated, it was a strong blow at the Democrats and what they have become, not a liberal party, but a totalitarian party, part Chicago machine politics and part Hugo Chávez, its only objective to win.

But instead of slinking off into the shadows, he went FAFO on them with a big punch to their corrupt faces. He surprised them by refusing to be on the receiving end of their dirty tricks, premised on anti-democratic practices against their own -- doing numbers on Bernie Sanders first and then RFK, Jr. after him, and directing lawfare, cheating, fraud, and rigging against their exterior opponent who is Trump, all the while oozing hypocrisy about 'democracy' and projecting incompetence; constantly gaslighting the public as if to pee down its leg and say it's raining.

Embracing Trump, Kennedy joined forces with the MAGA outsiders as a force magnifier against the fraudsters, gaslighters, and riggers who have become the Democrats now. That takes guts -- and a lot of self-sacrifice, since his wing of the party is clearly the most storied and prestigious. He chose principle instead, though, not wanting to go along with the constant cheating ways of this party which was so personally directed at him. Unlike Bernie, and for that matter Hillary Clinton who got rigged out in 2008 in favor of Obama, RFK, Jr. obviously had some self-respect. They didn't know who they were dealing with, did they?

The 4% to 9% of Kennedy's voting base will move in significant numbers to Trump simply on the grounds of common discontent with the cynical behavior of the Democrats and perhaps the possibility that Kennedy can begin a third party in 2028 with 5% of the vote this time (numbers that are sure to swell) rendering Democrats on the run.

What it reminded me of was the day when Patricia Bullrich, a longtime Argentinian center-right conservative, put aside political differences with libertarian candidate Javier Milei, and combined forces with him to ensure that he won the 2023 election in Argentina in a landslide. Her relatively low support was just enough to ensure that victory which actually multiplied its impact as voters could see the unity.

Like Trump, Milei gave Bullrich the cabinet position of her choice -- she chose justice in order to combat criminals -- and the result is music to Argentinians' ears:



It makes me think the fusion of Trump and Kennedy can intensify the focus of the campaign on Democrat rigging and win-at-all-costs dishonesty and truly take on the swamp, which is what voters are looking for most in a Trump presidency. If that happens, the country will be the better for it. RFK, Jr. who selflessly gave up a lot, will rightly be one of its founding fathers.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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