Press tries to gaslight away illegal border crossers caught trying to board San Diego County children's school buses
I knew it was coming.
The press is trying to gaslight the public into thinking that any concern about unvetted illegal border crossers attempting to board children's school buses in San Diego's back county is all in their heads and there's "no cause for alarm." Migrants wouldn't dream of boarding a children's school bus, see, because they're all big on obeying gringo's laws.
The Los Angeles Times's report is pretty typical of this narrative:
Law enforcement officials shot down suggestions that migrants who recently crossed the U.S.-Mexican border tried to forcefully board a school bus in a remote area of San Diego earlier this week.
Two brief encounters between a school bus and people not affiliated with a school were reported by national news outlets as a possible threat to students, but after an investigation officials determined there was no cause for alarm.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, a bus driver with the Jamul-Dulzura Union School District reported seeing groups of people along Highway 94 in the eastern part of the county, about 11 miles from the border.
The San Diego Union-Tribune is similar -- here is its headline:
Investigation finds no crime committed when migrant groups approached school buses near Dulzura
Same with 10News, a local television channel:
UPDATE: Deputies say migrants didn't forcefully try to stop or enter buses in Dulzura
And even FOX 5 San Diego:
No crimes committed in school bus encounters with migrants
Most of the stories have headlines suggesting there is nothing to this report except hysterical (and racist) parents making up stories, but once you read into the reports, you can see the problems with the incidents even if nobody turned up dead in a thicket the way the little 12-year-old girl in Houston, Jocelyn Nungaray, did after a close encounter with illegals this past June.
The LA Times report, though, is all narrative-promotion, and its gaslighting is the worst.
Shot down? If you read several reports, the sheriff did not shoot the story down, the office said there was nothing actionable enough to put these illegal border crossers in jail, though they didn't say there was no danger. There even was a certain amount of gaslighting from the sheriff's end, too, saying that NGOs like to bring out buses for migrants, which one of the NGO chiefs quoted by the LA Times said they didn't, apparently based on liability concerns.
The LA Times's quoted NGO chief, one Pedro Rios of the American Friends Service Committee, even questioned whether the men who tried to board the school buses were migrants at all, and not just figments of the racist white parents who, living three miles from the border, assumed they were, unable to tell migrants who have just rolled in with backpacks, from normal residents.
The LA Times incorrectly blamed FOX 5 News for claiming they were 'migrants':
News station Fox 5 San Diego first reported that the individuals were migrants, though law enforcement officials have not confirmed if that was the case.
When in fact, parents who live there said they were migrants, and school officials -- see this note here -- said they were migrants well before FOX even heard about the story.
Here is the first public tweet of it, which was brought forward by Amy Reichert -- it was her scoop:
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">🚨 URGENT: This morning, a group of migrants tried to board a <a href="">@JamulDulzuraUSD</a> School Bus on the way to school, and yesterday, had to avoid a similar situation. Border Patrol, CHP, and the Sheriff's Office are investigating. Official email sent to parents: <a href=""></a></p>— Amy Reichert (@amyforsandiego) <a href="">August 28, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
The Border Patrol, meanwhile, said that they picked up six such individuals "for deportation proceedings" which is what they do with migrants who cause problems. The NGO official they quoted also said he thought they were most likely migrants.
So all in all, "no cause for alarm" as the LA Times editorializes within its purported news story. They probably even weren't migrants. No danger, see, because nobody died. And if little kids are afraid to ride the buses, which was highlighted in several of the stories, that's just their being racist. They should stand proudly with those backpackers seeking to get on those schoolbuses at lonely rural bus stops and ignore uncomfortable questions about their being unvetted migrants. Heck, they should give them their seats, too. Migrants first, except that nobody should admit they are migrants.
No cause for alarm? Well, that's not how city officials see it. They are instituting new protocols for schoolchildren riding buses in the back rural county, as well as sending in law enforcement vehicles to trail the school buses, each bus followed by a cop car as kids make their way to school? They are holding a community meeting this weekend, presumably to keep parents from pulling their kids out of the public schools. Little kids scared to go to school? According to the LA Times, nothing to see here, move along.
Fact is, just because nobody turned up dead this time is no proof there's no danger from migrants who have the temerity to try to board school buses. Hey we all do that when we go to other countries, right?
As one parent asked in the CBS 8 report, what kind of people would do that?
The claims that they were just 'lost' and 'confused' is about as presumptuous as the claim that the parents complaining simply had to be white racists by the NGO guy, ignoring that many of the parents sounding the alarm are Hispanic.
Hey, it's not his kid who's scared to ride the bus, it's only theirs.
CBS10, another local station, ran this from its video report:
To say there's nothing to this story by parental hysteria, the whole thing being in their heads is pure gaslighting. It's a shame because the press is supposed to be shedding light on major stories of events affecting people's lives. To claim that the events aren't occurring is the great glow of gaslights, not authentic natural light, and that's the work of politically active Democrat toadies.
Image: Screen shot from CBS8 San Diego video, via YouTube