Palm Beach mayor throws weight around, threatening to toss President Trump out of his own home
Apparently, an assassination attempt against President Trump never happened. Or if it happened, that's reason enough to throw him out of his own home.
That's the thinking of Palm Beach's mayor, Danielle Moore, who objects to President Trump's Secret Service protection and wants him thrown out of his own home.
She's pretty nasty based on reporting in the Palm Beach Daily News:
The Palm Beach Council on Tuesday directed town staff to research what might be able to be done about the July 20 shutdown of South Ocean Boulevard between the Southern Boulevard traffic circle and South County Road to protect Mar-a-Lago and Trump in the wake of the July 13 attempted assassination of the Republican nominee for president.
"In my mind, if the road is closed, the Mar-a-Lago Club is closed," Mayor Danielle Moore said, after Council Member Julie Araskog raised the question of what will be done about traffic and security when the club reopens at the beginning of Palm Beach's social season this fall. "There's no way in God's green earth that they can bring 350 people into that club. It's completely illogical that you've got a road closed and then you're going to let 350 strangers into your club."
No one wants anything to happen to Trump, Moore said, a comment that was echoed in comments by fellow council members, town staff and residents. They also said that politics play no role in their calls for relief from the issues caused by the prolonged closure.
"However, you can't have it both ways, boys and girls," Moore said. "Either the club's open or not."
What kind of talk is that?
Based on what I could tell from the story, the road closure would involve the amount of road that I highlighted in with a yellow marker on this Google map:
There's an easy detour for the residents situated below the yellow line onto the Florida mainland, and for the residents caught in the middle path of the yellow line, of whom there are not huge numbers, there would seem to be difficulty getting in and out, owing to the lack of other roads to their homes. The article didn't say what traffic conditions were like for those who would take the detour, and maybe that is where the claimed delays come from. It seems a trusted traveler pass for residents would solve the matter, verifiable with a magnetic sticker on the car as is done on California's toll roads so that they could come and go without too much trouble.
But that's not what this mayor wants, she wants to shut the entire home of the president down over the road closure, claiming that what cheeses her off is its attached club. She claims everyone who would go to the club is a stranger, which is nonsense -- the Secret Service vets these people before they can get anywhere near the residence, as is the case with all former presidents and their residences, and the current one in the White House, too.
She just doesn't want President Trump to have any kind of home with the kind of security he needs in the wake of the assassination attempt, as her convenience is more important. She cites caregivers of elderly residents being unable to get in and out, but once again, a trusted traveler program seems more reasonable than simply throwing a resident from his home because she doesn't like his protective detail.
She also throws out the claim that residents "don't feel safe" based on ... either cops being there or the potential for assassins.
If it's the former, that again is nonsense. Everybody loves having extra cops and Secret Service in their vicinity. When I researched Hunter Biden's digs in Venice Beach, California, news reports had residents thrilled with the extra Secret Service as it kept the bum count down, and they were quite upset when Hunter left the area.
When I lived in Singapore some 20 years ago, I loved my apartment, which it turns out, was very close to the home of retired former leader Lee Kuan Yew's home. The presence of watchful Ghurkas everywhere made everyone feel safe, safe, safe, and the place was safe enough as it was, this being Singapore.
Of course, she would probably argue that she viewed President Trump as an assassin magnet, and maybe even didn't trust the Secret Service to protect him.
What that reminds me of is a passage in "Killing Pablo," by Mark Bowden, where the poor investigator charged with hunting down drug kingpin Pablo Escobar kept getting thrown out of his apartment when landlords found out what his job was. They didn't want the building blown up by Escobar, but that certainly wasn't fair to the investigator, nor did it help what should have been a national effort to save Colombia from becoming a narcostate.
Based on all the questionable claims she's made, it looks like she just wants to harass him, given that neither lawfare, assassination attempts, nor the leftist bid to bankrupt him has taken him down. Now she wants her shot at him, to at least chase him out of his house.
It's disgusting, a total harassment of a resident for no good reason other than she doesn't like his politics. The president can't even have peace in his own home with a busybody like her around, looking for some way to get him.
She can solve the traffic problems of her constituents through many different means, but her obvious rage and draconian threats that violate the Constitution suggest she just wants to chase him out in the harshest way possible first. We don't see that kind of crap with President Obama, whose library project certainly has inconvenienced a lot of people. We just see this harassment directed at President Trump, and now she's taking her turn.
What an awful person.
Image: Screen shot from Palm Beach Civic Association (Philip Baldwin, Claudia Shea, William Kelly, Sally Lewis) shareable video, via Vimeo