News from the ‘trans’ women front: medical child abuse, sports travesties, and pedophilia

Human biology is sexually binary: There are XX chromosomes and XY chromosomes, with the occasional sad chromosomal mix-up where biological women or men have sexually ambiguous genitalia. The Bible recognizes this gender binary, and the left hates that fact. Therefore, one of the termite ideas leftists created to eat away at an essential pillar of Western culture is the fantasy of transgenderism. In this past month alone, that destructive fantasy has resulted in headlines about medical child abuse, sports travesties, and pedophilia.

Medical child abuse: At the end of July, the Daily Mail reported that the staff at Children’s National Hospital in D.C. had effectively seized a teenage boy from a black, military family after claiming that the family failed to support the boy’s alleged transgenderism. The problem is that the family insists that the boy is not transgender. He is, instead, mildly autistic and was struggling with a bad breakup.

It was the staff that brainwashed him into gender dysphoria and then had the authorities seize the boy when the family pushed back. The family lost custody of their child in 2021 and is now suing the hospital.  

If you’re wondering why the Children’s National Hospital name sounds familiar, it’s because Libs of TikTok exposed it admitting that it will do “gender-affirming hysterectomies” on girls 16 and younger:

As a reminder, no scientific data support the claim that so-called “transgenderism” is real. There are just myriad “medical” publications that assume that “transgenderism” is real and, operating on that assumption, advocate surgical, chemical, and psychiatric intervention, all aimed at “affirming” the fantasy. Indeed, the American Academy of Pediatricians’ policy statement, which was reaffirmed in August 2023, continues to rely on a comic book to support its claims about transgenderism.

Sports travesties: Australia’s Flying Bats, a Sydney-based lesbian soccer club, had an amazing season. It was undefeated—and this weekend, it won the Northwest Sydney Football Women’s Premier Competition! That is so awesome—except it’s all a fraud, with the victory achieved by putting five “transgender women,” aka men, on the team—and then not allowing any cameras to record the games. The Daily Mail, however, was able to grab a few pictures:

Add this to the growing roster of competitions in which biological women, the ones with different shoulder and hip joints, slower reflexes, thinner bones, and smaller muscles, are vanishing from sports podiums:

Pedophilia: If you want to know about “trans women,” aka men, and their frequent arrest for sexual obsessions with children, look no further than these recent headlines:

Of course, activists will claim that people other than “trans identified women” are caught with child porn. Just the other day, a South Carolina Fox News anchor was arrested for having child pornography. Indeed, conservatives have noted for a very long time that the FBI is hiding the list of people—rich, famous, and not transgender people—who visited Jeffrey Epstein’s island.

Nevertheless, considering their relatively small numbers, so-called transgender men seem to be arrested at rates greater than average when it comes to pedophilia and other sex crimes. Back in 2017, when you could still do the research, one study showed that half of prisoners in the UK who claimed to be transgender were sex offenders or were otherwise there for very violent crimes. This suggests that transgenderism is not an “identity” but a mental illness that ranges from tragic and degrading to incredibly dangerous.

When you get past RuPaul-esque drag “glamor” and look at the data, what you see is that leftists are steadily destroying the most fundamental societal norm, one that is the very basis of human identity, to destroy women, children, and the entire Western system.

Thankfully, there is pushback. European countries, where transgenderism isn’t entangled in party politics (everybody there was stupid enough to embrace it), are beginning to pull back from the madness (e.g., here and here). Moreover, warriors like Robbie Starbuck are shaming big corporations such as Harley-Davidson and Lowes to walk back their pro-trans policies. If we work together, our voices—the voices of those who are sane, connected to reality, and believe in Western morality—matter.

Image by AI.

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