New poll: After Southport stabbings, ‘immigration’ becomes Brits’ top political concern

See also, Selwyn Duke’s “Brit child killer ‘misinfo’: Amid riots, has truth been swept under the rug?

According to a poll conducted after an 18-year-old man with a migrant background walked into a dance studio and begin stabbing the little girls and women, killing three and wounding countless others, “immigration” is now officially the “top political concern” for British voters.

Here’s what Oliver JJ Lane at Breitbart reported today:

Immigration is now the top issue facing the country, polling by YouGov conducted on Monday and Tuesday this week states. When asked to pick three policy areas from a list respondents believe are ‘the most important issues facing the country at this time’, a staggering 51 per cent of respondents chose ‘immigration & asylum’ as one of their selections.

Immigration as a concern has soared ten points in just two weeks, having come in third place at 41 per cent in the list of 14 policy areas in mid-July, leapfrogging ‘the economy’ which now sits in second place at 44 per cent, having lost nine points.

Well, an invasion of barbaric third world hordes, who brandish machetes, knives, and meat cleavers and chop innocent people (including children) to bits, who talk of conquest for Allah, who live like parasites off the British taxpayers, and who came at the behest of welcoming politicians aided and abetted by ignorant progressive revolutionaries, might just do that to a Western people.

Now, according to John Hayes, an English grandfather who fought with the Southport stabber when he rushed to the dance studio after hearing children screaming, the riots and protests engulfing the nation are not the result of the atrocity itself, which was merely the straw that broke the camel’s back. Here’s this, via an item out at The Independent:

Mr Hayes believes their deaths were simply the trigger for the protests which reflect an ‘undercurrent of discontent’ around migration.

‘I actually don’t think the troubles or the riots have got anything to do with the Southport stabbings.

‘There appears to be an undercurrent of discontent for some time about the levels of immigration and this is just a catalyst or a trigger – I don’t think it’s the root cause.’

If you’re wondering exactly what the British citizenry has been living through as of late, see here:

And here:

As you can see, the police stand and watch, before turning away—English cops don’t carry guns, so what can they do against machete-wielding thugs? To make matters worse, the English people have been almost entirely disarmed as well.

Also here:

And here:

Lastly, here:

Of course, there are too many instances to include but you get the picture; these “cultural enrichers” didn’t turn out to be too enriching for the English people; the reality we see unfolding today is exactly what high-profile conservative Enoch Powell sought to avoid when he issued this sobering declaration in his 1968 Birmingham Speech:

We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.

As payment for his prescient observation? Powell was maligned as a racialist and bigot.

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