MSM says that we can’t blame Democrats for the economy and inflation but the ‘pandemic’ and ‘Russia’

The biggest issues to the voters this year are the economy, inflation, and immigration. Therefore, the Democrat campaign workers posing as journalists are working as hard as they can to divert blame for the multiple disasters from Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and other Democrats.

They are pretending that Kamala had nothing to do with the open border, even though she was clearly put in charge, and they are pretending that inflation and the decimation of the people’s purchasing power essentially occurred in a vacuum, instead of clearly being caused by Biden’s and Kamala’s policies. 

This article by the NYT and via Yahoo News places the blame on the COVID virus and Russia, which is pure B.S. 

How Food Prices Have Changed Over the Past Four Years

After the pandemic’s onset, consumers turned away from dining out and panicked shoppers stockpiled groceries. Workers became infected with COVID-19, making it harder to staff grocery stores, warehouses and meat processing plants, raising costs for businesses.

Then, in early 2022, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine pushed up energy prices and the cost of commodities like grains and vegetable oils. That raised the costs of producing and transporting food products. More recently, droughts and an avian flu outbreak have further strained food supplies.

The confluence of these events has made groceries more expensive as companies have passed along cost increases to consumers. The average price for a dozen large eggs, for example, has nearly doubled from four years ago, to $2.72 from $1.55. Prices for cereals and bakery products have climbed about 25% over the same period, while fruits and vegetables were up about 14%.

Author Madeleine Ngo blames COVID for higher grocery prices, even though the big “pandemic” problems occurred during Trump’s last year in office, and inflation was extremely low at 1.4% when Biden took office.

Biden and Harris didn’t inherit a deep recession, no matter how many times that lie is repeated; they inherited a rapidly growing economy. Jobs were coming back at a rate of over 1.5 million per month in the last eight months of 2020, much faster than the job “growth” during Biden.

The 2020 recession was the shortest in history, lasting just two months and ending nine months before Biden took office, so why does the media allow that lie to continue? The answer is that all they care about is Democrats winning elections, so facts don’t matter.

One of the biggest and most obvious lies that has been repeated is also repeated in this article—Ngo argues that Russia attacking Ukraine pushed up energy prices:

Then, in early 2022, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine pushed up energy prices and the cost of commodities like grains and vegetable oils. That raised the costs of producing and transporting food products.

The fact is that Biden and Harris ran on a platform promising to destroy the oil industry, and prices started spiking as soon as they took the White House. Their energy policies caused a massive rise in inflation, both in the United States and throughout the world. Their policy to attack oil in favor of “green” energies is essentially funding the wars and terrorism of Russia and Iran (big oil-producing countries), and the media knows it, and doesn't care.

Here are the facts on oil prices, facts which media members either know, or should be capable of figuring out through investigative journalism. (The facts are not just the Democrat talking points that they pretend are facts.)

Crude oil was around $40 in late October 2020, right before the election.

By February 2021, one month after Biden took office and one year before Russia invaded  Ukraine, the price was up to around $66, or up over 50% in three months.

By October 2021, one year after Biden was installed and still four months before Russia invaded Ukraine, the price was up to $82 per barrel, or up 100%.

The price is still up almost 100% in the four years since Biden took office. This price increase has decimated the poor and middle classes, people about whom Democrats only pretend to care, and it is all based on the false scam that our use of oil is destroying the planet.

Anyone who believes that China, Russia, Iran, India, North Korea, or any oil-producing nation gives a darn about their carbon footprint needs to check to see if their brain was removed. Anyone who believes that electric cars, buses, planes, boats, and appliances can override all the natural variables in the climate also needs to have a medical exam to search for a brain.

Most of the media is worthless (and dangerous!) if all they do is regurgitate Democrat talking points.

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