Migrant killer allowed to participate in ‘family-friendly’ movie screening for ‘rehabilitation’ takes opportunity to escape custody
Mursal Mohamed Seid is a Somali migrant living in Germany who in 2021, stabbed his homeless shelter roommate so many times, the victim’s intestines “erupted” from his abdomen, before he was subsequently decapitated. Now Seid, not being German by birth, wasn’t accustomed to the Judeo-Christian culture of the West, and this was merely a matter of mental health, maladjustment, and culture, so Seid was sent to a hospital instead of a prison or the executioner’s chamber where he belonged. Earlier this month, hospital staff released Seid for a “family-friendly” and “rehabilitative” movie experience, so he could live life like a real Westerner and watch a Disney film in the cinema with a bucket of popcorn and a fizzy coke.
What. A. Joke.
Here’s Seid for reference:
2021 tötet Mursal Mohamed Seid einen 52-Jährigen mit 111 Messerstichen und enthauptet ihn. Der Angriff ist so gewaltsam, dass dem Opfer noch bei lebendigem Leib Innereien austreten. Heute konnte der Somalier beim Freigang fliehen – und ist auf freiem Fuß.https://t.co/gOCSBVdePC pic.twitter.com/LTN0JdlgoE
— NIUS (@niusde_) August 8, 2024
According to a report out at RAIR Foundation, Seid was accompanied by “female guards” who, according to Zoltán Kottász at The European Conservative, lost track of him when he went to use the bathroom. Seid previously attempted an escape from the hospital in a food cart, which was unsuccessful, but the cinema escape was successful, and after eight hours and the deployment of more than 100 law enforcement personnel, Seid was once again in custody, and back in the hospital. Naturally, this is all at the expense of the German taxpayer.
Now of course all this is quite a nightmare, but the bigger problem is now that Seid has been imported to begin with, he’s going to be a problem for the German people for the rest of his life—they will not be able to get rid of him. Germany does not have the death penalty, and the judge seems unwilling to throw Seid in prison, but deportation is off the table too, because ejecting Seid from the nation just means he’ll be back again (the borders are still open). From RAIR:
[T]he prosecutor’s office is hesitant to proceed with the deportation, fearing that once deported, he could easily find a way back to Germany, given the lack of stringent border controls and the potential for inadequate supervision in Somalia.
I find that the progressive brand of “immigration” is eerily similar to the tale of the vampire, and the precept taught about why you never invite one into your home—once you upon the door and welcome it in, you’ve consented to the death and pain, and restoring your home’s sovereign border is near impossible.
Image: Free image, Pixabay license.