Manhattan Institute: Thousands of girls under 18 have had breast removal surgery, with hundreds under the age of 12
“Never again” wasn’t supposed to be just some throw-away virtue-signaling statement, but a sobering and intentional commitment to ensuring that the human experimentation, and crimes against humanity seen under the authority of the Third Reich, never again had to be written about in history books—but apparently only *some* of us got the memo.
This week, the Manhattan Institute released a new report that detailed some very sickening findings: “Trans” surgeries are being performed on children under the age of 12, with hundreds of little girls already sacrificed on the agenda’s altar. From a Fox News item by Melissa Rudy the matter:
Since 2017, hundreds of females age 12 and younger with gender dysmorphia have undergone double mastectomies, according to analysis released by the Manhattan Institute this week.
Leor Sapir, PhD, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute whose areas of research include pediatric gender medicine, shared that anywhere from 5,288 to 6,294 double mastectomies were performed on girls under age 18 between 2017 and 2023 — and that 50 to 179 of those girls were just 12 years old or younger.
Now, what’s even more disturbing is that this number is likely inaccurate and on the low end, because the analysis was based on insurance data; double-mastectomy “top surgery” is largely (if not entirely) covered by insurance when a female is diagnosed with “gender dysphoria.” Here’s this, also from Rudy:
This was based on analysis of an ‘all-payer national insurance database,’ including patients who were previously diagnosed with gender dysphoria and had the treatment covered by insurance, Sapir wrote in an article revealing the findings.
The actual numbers could be higher, the Manhattan Institute claims, because researchers did not include patients who paid for the procedure themselves without submitting an insurance claim.
‘The out-of-pocket costs of ‘top surgery' can be as low as $3,000, a sum many middle-class families can afford,’ Sapir wrote.
If any procedures were entered under different codes for billing, those would also not show up.
Once upon a time, Americans as a whole—and both sides of the political aisle—were in agreement: Sexually mutilating, exploiting, and abusing precious children was wrong and evil. Now, we’ve got one side fighting for the sanction of heinous crimes under banners of “treatment,” “personal expression,” and “love is love,” with the other side to follow in the next decade or so. (Sure, Democrats blaze the immorality trail, but weak Republicans eventually and inevitably follow.)
Here’s a great observation, made by someone in the comments:
I marvel at the logic used to justify these surgeries. On the one hand, we’re told that biology doesn’t determine gender - on the other hand, we’re told of the need to alter the results of that biology to ‘affirm’ someone's gender. Here is the simple truth: medical professionals performing these gender denying surgeries are guilty of child abuse and mutilation - even if they tell you they were ‘only doing what we are told’.
We don’t just need a Nuremberg 2.0 (COVID-19 crimes)…but a 3.0 too.
Image: Free image, Pixabay license.