Last Denny’s of San Fran closes its doors for good
Somewhere, Kamala Harris cackles.
On August 1, the last Denny’s restaurant in San Francisco closed its doors for good, after 25 years in business. Business owner Chris Haque cited the “tremendous” cost of doing business, the vandalism, and people who dine and dash. From an item by Madeline Wells and out at SFGATE on Monday:
SF Denny’s that was once California’s most expensive has closed
‘We’re the only store left, and we operated until the last day that we could,’ Haque said. ‘The cost of doing business is tremendous. There’s vandalism, and people come and eat and walk away, and there’s no one to stop them.’
Haque claimed that dining and dashing was a big issue at the Denny’s … which he said cut into the restaurant’s profit margins. He also pointed to the lack of conventions in San Francisco over the past few years, which the restaurant typically depended on for business. Haque used to be the franchise owner of a Denny’s location in San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf as well, which closed in 2019…
‘It’s a beautiful city — we love it, we have been there so many years,’ Haque said of San Francisco. ‘But I think [city officials] should make it more business-friendly.’
Though this was the state’s “most expensive” Denny’s, no meal is going to cost more than $950 (the arbitrary dollar amount established in Proposition 47 as acceptable to steal), which means dining and dashing has the de facto blessing of the state.
And wait, hordes of dirty transients, landscapes of filthy tents, piles of human excrement, used needles and condoms littering the streets and sidewalks, and boarded up commercial properties don’t attract business events? Who could have predicted that?
The advocates of the notorious and progressive Prop 47 (like Kamala Harris), ought to just say, “mission accomplished.” Here’s this, from a report at Fox News:
‘Kamala Harris is not a hardliner [on crime],’ Douglas Eckenrod, a former deputy director of parole for the California prison system, told NBC News. ‘Prop 47 couldn’t happen without the AG’s office support. Her support of it was literally critical.’
Now, though we never heard Harris openly vocalize her support for the measure, at least from the horse’s mouth, the state’s AG office under her direction released a summary of the measure before its enactment, one that was criticized by opponents as misleading. Check this out, from an NBC News article:
The attorney general’s office under Harris released a summary of the law, called Proposition 47, which predicted that prison and jail populations would decrease while funding for truancy reduction programs and mental health services would rise. It also predicted that the state criminal justice system would save hundreds of millions of dollars due to the changes, and local prosecutors and sheriffs would have reduced workloads.
I mean, I guess technically Harris’s office was half-right—the prison and jail populations do decrease when you don’t lock up the criminals in the first place. Sure, maybe the incarcerated population is lower, but that’s because they’re out on the streets creating mayhem and bringing the whole city to its knees! But hundreds of millions of dollars saved? Not exactly. The state is at the brink of insolvency, with a budget deficit in the tens of billions, a sum that state officials racked up in just two short years.
What does this teach us? Progressives have absolutely no right to participate in the political affairs of any nation.