Kamala Harris gets dragged, from even the left, on her communist price-control scheme
For Kamala Harris, it was all so very easy.
To end inflation, which is the number one voter concern, a president need only get out one's pen and phone. Waving the pen like an orchestra baton, a president could will away the inflation with the whip of an executive order that no one can raise their prices.
Price controls is her big economic plan.
That will fix it!
Here she is, describing all she knows about inflation for a Bloomberg reporter:
Now she wants price controls to control it.
Funny how no one but her had ever thought of it -- or that she thought it was the way to fix the economy.
Except of course, that it isn't.
It's what economic failures such as Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez have done, destroying their countries' economies, leaving them a smoking ruin with refugees in their millions spilling out in flight.
Not to worry from Kamala, though.
If she's actually heard of these places, the result would be different when she does calls for price controls, right?
Those countries fell apart because gringo did it, right? But economics can always be sweet-talked into getting what Kamala wants, same way she did with Willie Brown for favors.
Turns out that's not right, and enough people know it that even some on the left are dragging her for this terrible idea.
ABC News reported this:
Harris to propose ban on grocery price gouging. Would it cool inflation?
Economists who spoke to ABC News disagreed sharply over the measure.
Being in the tank for Kamala, they glossed over the negative effects of price-controls by using their own words pointing to the hazards of price controls and cited an activist who's all in for price controls, rather than report in quotes much of what the real economists must have said. It must have been an earful.
They did let slip in this guy near the bottom, who clearly viewed the Harris plan as pinhead economics likely to drive prices even higher than they already are:
"It's economics 101 that if you stimulate demand while simultaneously deterring supply, your equilibrium will be significantly higher prices," Michael Faulkender, a professor of finance at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, told ABC News.
In turn, Faulkender dismissed any potential benefit from a federal price-gouging ban. "It just sounds to me that we're creating even more burdensome regulations that will actually raise prices for consumers," Faulkender said.
However, that's them.
Left-leaning Washington Post columnist Catherine Rampell, who has an economics background, also weighed in, describing Harris's inflation-killing masterplan as a recipe for shortages, black markets, hoarding, and corruption:
It’s hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is. It is, in all but name, a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every industry, not only food. Supply and demand would no longer determine prices or profit levels. Far-off Washington bureaucrats would. The FTC would be able to tell, say, a Kroger in Ohio the acceptable price it can charge for milk.
At best, this would lead to shortages, black markets and hoarding, among other distortions seen previous times countries tried to limit price growth by fiat. (There’s a reason narrower “price gouging” laws that exist in some U.S. states are rarely invoked.) At worst, it might accidentally raise prices.
That’s because, among other things, the legislation would ban companies from offering lower prices to a big customer such as Costco than to Joe’s Corner Store, which means quantity discounts are in trouble. Worse, it would require public companies to publish detailed internal data about costs, margins, contracts and their future pricing strategies. Posting cost and pricing plans publicly is a fantastic way for companies to collude to keep prices higher — all facilitated by the government.
It's all completely true.
Even NPR knows it's true, as this reportage from Venezuela clearly indicates:
What happens when price controls are mandatedhttps://t.co/we0uQnBr9R.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) August 16, 2024
They may be in the tank for Kamala now, but they're already on record as to why Venezuela fell apart.
Rampell (or her editor) did herself even more credit by putting out a snarky headline:
When your opponent calls you ‘communist,’ maybe don’t propose price controls?
It’s hard to exaggerate how bad Kamala Harris’s price-gouging proposal is.
Or maybe she really is a communist, maybe that?
All told, this harebrained scheme is the work of economic illiterates, of which Kamala Harris is just perfect as frontperson. This is all she knows, because she's a communist indeed based on her proposal. Even people on the left are saying so.
Maybe Americans can consider that as they make their voting choices come November.
Image: Screen shot from Forbes Breaking News video, via YouTube