Kamala Harris delivers word salad about 'investments' to reporter who asked her how she'd finance her spendathon

When you've got markets swooning, the price of gold hitting record highs, and skeptical reporters asking you about your communism-mimicking economic plan, maybe you should have some prepared explanations for the questions that arise.

Kamala Harris didn't.

Here's her response to a CNN reporter's question about how she plans to "pay for" all her big spending plans:



She ignored the question about paying for it, had no idea of what she was talking about and could only use the buzzword "investments" four times in her babbly, off-the-cuff response to questions about her plans to shovel out government cash, which will add a monstrous amount to the already unsustainable $35 trillion national debt.

What do you do when you are in economic trouble? According to her, you whip out the government credit card. You let the other guy worry about "paying for it."

As if these "investments" in educational bureaucrats and government wokester child care would pay off in anything other than more incompetence and bigger government as they have in the past.

What's more, the "investments" line is pretty old at this point, dating at least from the previous Democrat spendathons under President Obama. Every cash outlay taken from the economy is an "investment" that is pulled from the private sector, and we know what these investments yield, given the recent result seen from the billions spent on government electrical car charging stations, which have yielded about eight chargers.

Government spending, in fact, is precisely why we have inflation. This is from the man who cleaned up the Jimmy Carter-era inflation and ushered in the great Ronald Reagan era of prosperity:



Kamala wouldn't know this, and if she did, she would reject it. It's all about the investments, see, her old-new buzzword, as the markets go tumbling down, and the price of gold hits a record high.

This is not a serious thinker, let alone a serious candidate. Harris in fact is an embarrassment. As her staff have noted, she doesn't do her homework.

Image: Screen shot from Twitter video.


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