Just how dirty are the Democrats? Nicole Shanahan describes a long string of outrageous acts against the RFK, Jr. campaign

Is the Democrat party a political party, or an organized crime cartel?

This description of what they really did to the Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. campaign by RFK, Jr.'s running mate, Nicole Shanahan, left even RealClearPolitics founder Tom Bevan reeling:



Shanahan describes how the RFK, Jr. campaign ended up being a spoiler, or marginalized, candidacy because of all the nasty, underhanded, and questionably legal maneuvers the Democrats did to them, nonstop. And she believed they could have been a winner without such underhanded doings.

...I did not put in tens of millions of dollars to be a spoiler campaign. I put in tens of millions of dollars to win, to fix this country, to do the right thing.

I will say that ClearChoice, this PAC, this DNC-aligned PAC, that was created specifically to take us out has spent millions of dollars to take us out. They have unfortunately turned us into a spoiler. And, we don't want to be a spoiler, we wanted to win, we wanted a fair shot. The DNC made that impossible for us. They have banned us, shadowbanned us, kept us off stages, manipulated polls, used lawfare against us, sued us in every possible state, they've even planted insiders into our campaign to disrupt it and to create actual legal issues for us. The extent by which, the sabotage they've unleashed on us, it's mind-blowing, I mean, we're still learning new ways they have sabotaged us. I really wanted a fair shot at this election, and I believed in the America, that I, a little girl, pledged allegiance to. And that is not where we are at today and it's not because of the Republican Party taking us out. It is exclusively because of the Democratic Party taking us out and I am so disappointed I ever helped them. I am so disappointed that I helped Chuck Schumer in that Georgia runoff secure a majority. It's probably one of the biggest mistakes of my life.

Based on this kind of behavior, I would like to know if the break-ins and potential assassination attempts against RFK, Jr., reported with application after application for Secret Service protection, had anything to do with these dirty tricksters, too. Was someone trying to scare RFK, Jr., or do something worse? Based on the other crap described, I think it's a legitimate place to look.

It also makes me wonder at why RFK, Jr.'s requests for Secret Service protection were denied by Biden, King Rat of the Democrats, against all precedent, and no one could understand why. RFK, Jr., after all, has a history of assassinations in his family, and was able to show that break-ins and security lapses had happened, yet the answer from Joe was always 'no.' It made no sense.

He eventually got the protection he asked for but only after the assassination attempt against President Trump.

Even if these Democrats weren't involved in those vile acts, what Shanahan described was sordid enough -- shadowbans, lawfare, ballot disqualification, spies, saboteurs.

This isn't a party about ideas, it's about brute force. It doesn't want to win elections, but secure an Escobar-like power at any price, as happened in Colombia.

Yet Eddie Haskell-like, it continually babbles about "democracy."

Maybe the question should be raised about breaking up this lawless party given its lawless nature. At a minimum, Congress should hold hearings. And the Trump Republicans should welcome them into the fold the way big ships rescue lifeboats for this election. This is about saving democracy and a two-party system. With Democrats gone, in coming years, they can be the liberal party and the Trumpsters can be the conservative party, with honorable competition of ideas, not the dirty Democrat deeds we see now. This shouldn't be what politics in a free society is about.

Image: Twitter video screen shot

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