Joe Biden data strikes again: ‘500,000 EV stations’ built under his command
We knew that the Democrat party had no respect for the dead, exploiting their “unalive” status for votes, but dragging Joe Biden’s corpse out onto a public stage late at night for appearance’s sake is really just cruel—get this poor dude back to his casket where he belongs!
Last night, Biden took the Monday night stage spot (a slot that President Trump rightly acknowledged as “Death Valley”) at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, to deliver his “boring as hell” farewell address of sorts, where and his brain-dead cognitive function was on full display—at one point, Biden actually declared that under his administration, 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations had been built across America.
Oh really? E.V. charging stations outnumber gas stations by more than 2-to-1? (For reference, there are approximately 196,000 gas stations in the U.S.) If apportioned by state, this would mean there are 10,000 E.V. charging stations in each of the fifty states.
Where were the fact-checkers?
Allow me to help Snopes and Politifact out and give this a “pants on fire” label. 500,000? Try a grand total of… seven. In fact, this reality is such an absurd embarrassment for the Democrats, that even a leftwing pundit at CBS couldn’t help but condescendingly laugh in Pete Buttigieg’s face when she asked him to explain the discrepancy between the projected 500,000 and the seven he had to show over three years time. And here’s this, from an essay I previously wrote on the subject, reframing the numbers for additional context:
Here’s another way of looking at it: Joe Biden and his team of incompetents are .0014% of the way there. However, as Buttigieg said, this is basically a decade-long project, and the goal is 500,000 by 2030, which means the federal government still has 6 years left to get caught up on the other 99.9986% of the promised plan. At the current rate though, we’re looking at 21 charging stations in total by 2030, which will be .0042% of the total promised number, or a fraction of a percent of the way done.
Now, this is certainly not to suggest that I wish the government were more successful in building more charging stations, but to simply highlight how deeply inefficient and corrupt its bureaucrats are; I vehemently oppose socialist handouts in any and all forms. The project to ostensibly build 500,000 charging stations received $7.5 billion in taxpayer funds from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, so at the current cost of one billion dollars for each charging station—which is probably under budget considering who’s running the show—I’d say we dodged a bullet!
Employment numbers, the inflation rate, illegal alien entries since January 20, 2021, “best economy ever” indicators, “500,000” charging stations built… Joe Biden (false) data strikes again.
Image: YouTube video screen grab, edited.