It may be possible to stop Democrats from creating post-election votes for Kamala

One of the things that deeply worries those who are planning to vote for Donald Trump is the possibility of election fraud. The fraud that worries them most is that corrupt precincts will wait to see how the wind blows before finalizing their vote counts. If the honest vote count shows that Kamala Harris won their state, they’ll call it. However, if an honest vote count shows that Donald Trump won, they’ll start manufacturing votes. There may be a simple answer to this problem. Read on to learn.

None of us can forget how, on election night, heavily Democrat precincts in the six swing states shut down for several hours after it appeared Trump was winning. When they re-opened, Joe Biden had magically taken the lead.

Image: Vote counting in Detroit, November 2020. X screen grab.

Democrats assured us that this was because they were finally getting to all the mail-in and drop-boxed ballots, which leaned Democrat. Trump supporters had their doubts. They also had doubts when the votes were still being counted for days after the election, again ostensibly because of those magical mail-in ballots.

After seeing that voter rolls are riddled with non-existent voters—dead people, relocated people, illegal aliens, etc.—they concluded that what actually happened was that the Democrats manufactured ballots after the fact to push Biden over the top.

Little has been done since 2020 to address these concerns. The courts were useless. They were afraid to touch the substantive claims and relentlessly dismissed election fraud lawsuits on procedural grounds.

Under Ronna McDaniel’s aegis, the Republican National Committee, which should have been all over this like white on rice, was inert.

At the state level, most efforts to push back against fraud by going to paper ballots, cleaning up voter rolls, and stopping mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, and drop boxes were unavailing. Only recently did Virginia governor Glenn Youngkin suddenly, and to his great credit, announce that the election will use paper ballots and electronic counting machines that aren’t connected to the internet.

That’s a step in the right direction, although electronic counting machines are still inscrutable black boxes. In my state of South Carolina, we vote at electronic stations that print out paper ballots showing our votes in English and an inscrutable QR code. The counting machine ignores the English and reads the QR code—and we have no idea what it says.

Just today, the courts took steps to help election integrity. The United States Supreme Court stopped (for now) a lower court ruling allowing people to register without proving they are citizens. Also, the Fifth Circuit ordered an immediate hearing on a ruling from a federal district court in Mississippi that allowed absentee ballots to be counted as long as five days after the election.

The above are all important steps, but they’re slow-moving and require action through courts, legislatures, and high executive offices. My friend “Jonathan Gault,” however, emailed me a suggestion that can be implemented in every county in America—especially every Republican-leaning county: No precincts should release vote counts until every vote is counted across the state.

The beauty of this is that it makes it harder for Democrat-run precincts to manufacture after-the-fact votes to overcome a Republican lead. Currently, if a Republican precinct quickly and efficiently counts its votes and then announces that Trump won in that precinct by, say, 200 votes, a Democrat precinct in the same state can suddenly shut down and manufacture 210 votes for Kamala. However, if the Republican precinct sits on its final vote count until every precinct is ready to disclose results, that cheating is impossible.

Of course, the Democrat precinct can still preemptively manufacture fake votes for Kamala. Still, the whole system is harder to manipulate when the Democrats have no idea what kind of lead they need to overcome.

All that this proposal takes is discipline. If Democrat precincts take days to count votes, Republican precincts across America must sit tight until that counting ends.

And for those Democrats who cry foul...well, they shouldn’t. They also claim that they are worried about cheating, and this proposed system provides equal protection for them. If all the players show their hands simultaneously, all is fair.

If you think this is a good idea, please share this post. Maybe we can start something here.

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