In a bizarre post-loss tirade, Cori Bush explicitly targets Jews

As of January 2025, Rep. Cori Bush, like Rep. Jamaal Bowman, will no longer be a sitting member of Congress. During their primaries, both of their Democrat stronghold districts threw them over in favor of slightly more moderate candidates. This should delight all sane people. However, it would be a mistake to discount these two radicals because they represent a strong, growing, and increasingly outspoken cohort in the Democrat party.

After all, they’ll have served four years in Congress, which means they are not the fringe; they are near the center of American power. And this cohort isn’t just openly socialist on economic matters. In addition, like good socialists before them (e.g., Hitler, Stalin), they’re openly antisemitic—something Cori Bush made clear in her post-defeat speech yesterday.

Normally, when candidates lose in a primary, they put on a good face for the sake of the party. They give a speech to their supporters thanking them for all their hard work, promising to keep fighting for the good fight and, if they’re feeling gracious, endorsing their opponent. It should not surprise anyone that Rep. Cori Bush, from St. Louis, Missouri, didn’t do that.

Image: Cori Bush. X screen grab.

For the past four years, Bush’s presence on the national stage has shown a woman who, despite being elevated to one of the highest seats of power in what’s still the most powerful nation in the world, is filled with an overwhelming sense of grievance. Nothing will dissuade her from believing that she is persecuted, both individually and as a member of an allegedly disfavored group (i.e., black women).

It’s as if the last 60 years in American politics—the Civil Rights Movement, the feminist movement, Barack Obama’s election, Kamala Harris’s ascension, the cultural obeisance to blacks, especially black women—never happened. Bush is a victim, and she’s angry about it.

Bush’s speech reflected that anger. But it also reflected that she has a very specific target in mind for her persecution complex: The Jews:

Yes, having lost because she’s done nothing good for her constituents but has occupied herself with radical views on national issues, Bush knows who is to blame: The American-Israel Political Action Committee.

As you can see, other parts of Bush’s unhinged rants were generalized attacks on a good socialist’s ordinary targets: America and corporations (which is ironic, really, given that corporate America has dutifully fallen in line with CRT and DEI madness). However, it was only the Jewish interest group that she called out by name.

Bush isn’t the only Democrat who’s calling out Jews by name. When CNN’s Jake Tapper was speaking to Abby Phillip and Audi Cornish for color commentary during what I assume was a Harris-Walz rally, Phillip talked about the fact that Kamala passed over Josh Shapiro in favor of Walz. She said that Kamala did so to reach “100,000 uncommitted” voters who support Hamas:

And I think ultimately, Shapiro, I think fit is important, but, you know, I also think when you look at the principle of “do no harm,” maybe they did say in a state like Minnesota, do we want to, there were 100,000 uncommitted voters who came out about the Gaza war, do we want to antagonize those voters? Those are part of the question as well.

In other words, Kamala might have lost both Minnesota and Michigan if she chose a Jewish person as a running mate. Those 100,000 uncommitted voters will not vote for a Jew.

Fearing that Phillips and Cornish would say something openly antisemitic that couldn’t be walked back, Tapper rushed in to point out that Shapiro’s line on the Israel-Gaza war is identical to the Democrat party line in general.

Cornish, however, was having none of it. The problem, she said, is that Shapiro dared to call the pro-Hamas protesters antisemitic. These were the same protesters calling to “globalize the intifada” and demanding that “From the river to the sea, Palestine shall be free,” both of which are code for slaughtering Israel’s Jews.

TAPPER: So, but, just to, just to, one point on the Gaza war. Shapiro has the same position on Israel that Gov. Walz, that Sen. Kelly has. He's actually been more critical of Netanyahu than the other two, but, he is Jewish.

CORNISH: He's also the face of the crackdown on the protests, right? He spoke very vehemently about those protests as being antisemitic.

TAPPER: Not all of them. The ones that were antisemitic he criticized for being antisemitic.

CORNISH: Of course, but he was out front on the issue. So, I'm wondering if that's the kind of thing, again, for the activist wing of the party, was a slap in the face.

Open antisemitism is becoming an oozing sore on the Democrat party. Although Democrats are now claiming that Shapiro didn’t want to be Veep, that’s hard to believe given the party’s obvious and growing commitment to its increasingly vocal antisemitic base.

No wonder that a shock poll out of New York State, which last gave its Electoral College votes to a Republican in 1984, suggests that the state’s Jewish population is shifting to Trump.

There are around 1.2 million Jewish adults (i.e., potential voters) in New York state. They have been utterly reliable Democrat votes. Their votes and their political donations (which are generous) matter.

From the Jewish perspective, this shift makes perfect sense. The Jews and the Democrats had had an unspoken compact, which was that the Democrats would protect Jews from antisemitism. In America, Democrats gave Jews jobs and access to college when the old white-shoe Republicans refused to hire them and shut them out of the Ivies. And while few Jews know that Franklin Roosevelt, in 1939, refused admission to more than 900 desperate refugees from Nazi Germany, with the result that over 250 died in the Holocaust, they do remember that Roosevelt beat Hitler.

Now, though, the Democrats have broken that compact. They are openly antisemitic, not just in terms of jobs and university admissions, but in terms of siding with Islam’s genocidal maniacs.

Jewish self-preservation is necessarily strong after 2,000 years of deadly persecution. The fact that New York voted for a Republican in 1984 is not a coincidence. It did the same in 1980. I know from my own family that many Jews were behind this. It wasn’t because Jews loved Reagan. It was because they feared Jimmy Carter’s manifest hostility to Israel.

American Jews are loyal Americans. However, they recognize that Israel is a canary in the coal mine for the whole world. When the world loves Israel, Jews are safe. And when the world hates Israel, Jews are in danger. And when America hates Israel, for Jews, all bets are off.

Because American Jews have seen for the last nine months the damage one Israel-hating president can do, having a second, even more radical Israel-hater in the White House is a blaring siren, especially because of her base. No wonder they’re viewing Trump and the Republican party as their refuge.

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