Illinois mayor Tiffany Henyard loses access to her city credit card after ‘swiping like crazy’
There’s been another development in the saga of Dolton, Illinois and its spendthrift mayor with the golden microphone, Tiffany Henyard; here’s the story, from a report out by David Propper at the New York Post:
Embattled ‘Dolton Dictator’ Mayor Tiffany Henyard and other officials lost their power to swipe freely on the Illinois village’s credit cards when the board voted Monday to freeze the municipal plastic after a spending frenzy.
Dolton’s director of administrative services will only be allowed to use the village credit card after the board approves of the purchases, trustees said, according to reports — in a blow to Henyard’s control.
Back in February of this year, a little dot-on-the-map village in Illinois made national headlines after a recorded rant from its “black, female, big-spending mayor” against her constituents and colleagues went viral—they’d had the audacity to confront her spending habits using the municipal credit card, because obviously she had every right to use taxpayer dollars to fund her glamorous, wanna-be celebrity lifestyle and high-maintenance beauty routine.
Now, this was on top of her roughly $300k annual salary in a town where the median income is $24k. The conflict was a matter of racism and misogyny, not ethical civic behavior and fiscal responsibility. (Mere weeks after this incident, she was also accused of using the police force like her own personal Gestapo, harassing and persecuting anyone who got on her political bad side.)
Also from Propper’s item:
‘This village has so many people with so many credit cards, they’re swiping like crazy and that’s why it had to come to a complete halt,’ said lawyer Michael McGrath, who is representing Dolton’s trustees, according to WGNTV.
‘There’s thousands and thousands of dollars for Amazon purchases, for PayPal, for Target, for Walgreens, for Jewel-[Osco] in the hundreds and thousands of dollars,’ he added. The latter is a regional supermarket chain.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars at the grocery store? How is that even possible? How many people are on this village’s payroll, and how many of them have credit cards? For context, Dolton has around 21,000 residents, which makes this level of spending even more ludicrous and inexcusable.
But, this is exactly what happens when people are given access to money that they didn’t earn—they fritter it away on themselves. Here’s a poignant remark from someone in the comments:
It’s called stealing & coveting, numbers 8 & 10 on the list you are not allowed to teach in school or post on court room walls.
It’s poignant because that’s exactly the problem—we’re a secular and immoral nation cruising on the fumes of a Judeo-Christian one, and without the pressure of objective morality, people will behave exactly how Henyard behaved. But not only does Henyard have a black privilege card, she’s got a female privilege card, and a progressive Democrat privilege card—so I don’t expect her to face any jail time or punitive measures.
Now, Henyard was actually recalled by the voters in June of 2022—after Barack Obama, they really should have known better than to vote for a black Democrat in Illinois—but she sued the effort and a judge tossed those recall vote results in October of that year. Yet, with the main money spigot turned off, I have to wonder if Henyard might just leave on her own accord. Sure, she’d be abandoning her extremely generous salary, but it’s probably only a matter of time before the board votes to make that $0 too—if they can’t get rid of her, adjust fire, attack from a new angle, and just take away all financial incentive for her to stay in the mayor’s chair…right?
Couldn’t that theory be applied elsewhere in the American political landscape? Illegal migrants and their hundreds of billions in welfare… D.C. politicians and their perks and salaries… state and city government officials and their perks and salaries… and on and on and on. Henyard isn’t unique, she’s just a grifter whose motivation isn’t civil service but self-service; without the perks, she’d be out of there faster than she can swipe a credit card.