Harris-Biden administration gets sucker-punched a second time by Venezuela's dictator, Maduro
There's stupid, and there's Harris-Biden administration stupid, and now the U.S. is about to get it good and hard a second time from the deal the White House cut with Venezuela's dictator against all advice from diplomatic experts who understand that regime.
According to Miami-based news outlet UHN Plus:
— UHN Plus (@UHN_Plus) August 6, 2024
El dictador Nicolás Maduro dijo que si los Estados Unidos continúan con su “locura” de imponer un Guaidó 2.0 en Venezuela, los campos de petróleo y gas firmados con ellos pasarían a manos de los BRICS.pic.twitter.com/GU7WhTTdgz
Here's a Google translate:
THE LATEST Dictator Nicolás Maduro said that if the United States continues with its “madness” of imposing a Guaidó 2.0 in Venezuela, the oil and gas fields signed with them would pass into the hands of the BRICS.
The U.S. has hemmed and hawed around the travesty of an election in Venezuela last July 28, having launched a deal last October with Maduro to drop sanctions on his miserable regime, and release some of its biggest drug dealers from U.S. prisons in exchange for ... free and fair elections.
Dropping sanctions enabled U.S. oil developers to come into Venezuela to restore its rusty, broken-down oil industry, with major players such as Chevron signing deals with the state oil company, PDVSA, and investing $100 million for production.
A former U.S. ambassador to Venezuela, Michael Skol, warned that oil deals with Maduro were a bad idea and called the Harris-Biden administration's perpetrators of the ill-thought-out idea "the three stooges." I wrote about that here.
The Harris-Biden team didn't care. They went through with the deal.
Obviously, the U.S. didn't get anything for its deal with Maduro on the free-and-fair election front. Maduro brazenly stole the election right in front of the Venezuelans' and the world's faces, and got his drug dealers and foreign investment in exchange, for keeps.
The U.S. eventually had to admit that it was a fraud-fest, which it did the other day.
Now Maduro is warning the U.S. not to recognize the true winner of the election, Edmundo González, whom he calls "Guaidó II" after an earlier (but less provable) fraud and subsequent U.S. effort to apply diplomatic pressure on Maduro to get out. So, he's warning the U.S. that he'll steal American investments and hand them over to the BRICS nations if the U.S. does that, forcing it to choose between permitted investments and helping the battered winners of that election.
And by BRICS, Maduro probably means either China or Russia, both of which have been staunch allies in his claim to victory in the July 28 election. Maduro probably doesn't mean Brazil, which hasn't been entirely staunch as an ally in this debacle, and it's unlikely the other two members of this club of nations, South Africa and India, would be all that useful to Maduro in his quest for Castro-like power.
But Russia or China? Oh, yeah.
It might specifically be Russia given that a Russian state propaganda outlet has been reporting about Venezuelan oil and BRICS investment since at least May.
According to a May 8 piece by a Russian outlet called BRICS TV:
Venezuela may transfer to the BRICS countries the rights to develop oil and gas deposits on its territory. This was announced at a press conference by the President of the state Nicolas Maduro.
According to his statements, BRICS is a giant and safe market for national producers with good prices.
Image: Twitter screen shot