Governor Gavin Newsom dons his ‘taxpayer’ hat to complain about homelessness

For decades, California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, has been making homelessness the centerpiece of all his political campaigns, whether in San Francisco or in California at large. He’s always wanted voters to know that he’s against it. To that end, he’s poured bazillions of San Francisco and California taxpayer dollars into multiple government agencies and NGOs. Doing so proved that if you build an expensive homeless infrastructure, the homeless will come. Now, to hide his failures as a politician, Newsom is trying something new: He’s complaining about homelessness as a taxpayer.

Here’s a supercut of Gavin Newsom’s decades-long promises to end homelessness:

And here are just a few scenes that Kevin Dalton has collected showing the results of Newsom’s endless homelessness initiatives:

Note, please, that this is not the homelessness of the Great Depression, when the entire economy collapsed. As we all know, today’s homeless are almost entirely comprised of drug addicts and the mentally ill—and often both, which it almost impossible to know which preceded the other.

Now, though, Newsom is seeing that it’s possible to put the homeless genie back in the bottle. Off the top of my head, I can think of three reasons for this change. He may hope that Kamala’s candidacy still goes down in flames, leaving an opening for him to save the Democrat party ticket. He may hope that, if Kamala wins, she’ll invite him into her administration. Or he may hope that if the entire Democrat party goes down in flames, there’ll be room for him in 2028.

Whatever the reason, Newsom has been trying to moderate a little bit. Unlike Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who signed a bill making his state a haven for sexually confused children and that allows courts to make a parents’ custody dependent on acknowledging a child’s “gender identity,” Newsom recently refused to sign a similar bill.

When the Supreme Court held in June that governments could remove homeless encampments, Newsom professed himself overjoyed. Suddenly, he has the authority to clean up the homeless problem in his state.

The problem is that his pro-homeless policies in San Francisco long predated the district and appellate court rulings that made it harder for governments to clean up homeless encampments. Moreover, all of us remember how, despite the prohibition against cleaning up the homeless, Newsom was able to do just that when China’s Xi Jinping visited San Francisco:

Apparently, like Dorothy and her ruby slippers, Newsom had the power all along. He just needed to believe:


After Xi left, though, Newsom apparently stopped believing in his ability to make California’s streets less inviting to the homeless.

With the Democrat party in upheaval (no matter how the media propagandists tell us that everything is just fine with Kamala at the helm), Gavin Newsom is showing the world his excitement about cleaning up communities buckling under the weight of homelessness:

This time around, though, Newsom isn’t saying that the Supreme Court gave him his power back. Instead, he’s putting his “everyman” hat on:

In the fantasy world of Democrat politics, Gavin’s 20 years as a politician who made mass homelessness possible magically vanished. He’s now one of us, the little people stepping around piles of feces and needles while pathetically rotting human husks sit on the ground and hide in filthy tents.

If chutzpah were an Olympic sport, Gavin Newsom just won the gold.

Image: X screen grab.

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