GLAAD CEO gets caught spending like BLM bosses as new report alleges she blew cash on 5-star hotels, a Cape Cod vacation, and home renovations

A “damning” new report by Emily Steel and published yesterday at The New York Times alleges that Sarah Kate Ellis, CEO of LGBTQ++ “advocacy” organization GLAAD, has been blowing the non-profit’s donations in a “pattern of lavish spending.” Stays at the Waldorf Astoria, luxe vacations in Cape Cod.... Seems this is just a “pattern” in general when it comes to leftist groups—BLM mansions anyone?

Here’s David Propper at the New York Post with the details:

A top LGBTQ organization spent big bucks for its chief executive officer to take pricey flights, stay in ritzy hotels and summer rentals and even dropped nearly $20,000 on her home-office remodel, a damning report alleged Thursday.

Steel opened her piece by recounting one of those “pricey flights” and “ritzy hotels” trips taken by Ellis:

A light rain fell at the Zurich airport one Sunday morning in January 2023 as Sarah Kate Ellis made her way from a seat in Delta’s most exclusive cabin to a waiting Mercedes. It was there to chauffeur her to the Swiss Alps, where she and her colleagues would stay at the Tivoli Lodge, a seven-bedroom chalet that cost nearly half a million dollars to rent for the week.

(Ellis was in Switzerland for the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting, so naturally she took the opportunity to spend time skiing the Swiss Alps, all paid for by GLAAD donors as well.)

No one loves money like a leftist; as a colleague aptly noted:

Ordinary people’s lives revolve around faith and family. They want money to promote the welfare of both. Leftist lives revolve around power—and money is power.

Now, all of this comes on top of Ellis’s salary package, which is valued to be in the “high six or low seven” figure range. Steel reveals that the case against Ellis was compiled with quite a bit of hard evidence:

The Times reviewed dozens of GLAAD expense reports and accompanying receipts from January 2022 through June 2023, as well as employment agreements, tax filings, audit reports, other financial documents and internal communications.

Honestly, I revel in this misappropriation of money, for several reasons. First, it means even less is going to the group’s ostensible mission, “queer advocacy,” which inevitably and most detrimentally leads to the perversion and sexualization of children. GLAAD touts its record of “tackling tough issues to shape the narrative and provoke dialogue that leads to cultural change” and “rewriting the script for LGBTQ acceptance”; I’d say GLAAD has been a force of cultural change alright. We have pedophiles pushing for “tolerance” and “acceptance” as a sexual orientation using the term “Minor Attracted Person” or MAP; child drag queens dance for dollar tips in gay bars and this is labeled a healthy expression of individuality; Pride month activities and banners hang in elementary schools; children undergo cross-sex synthetic hormone experiments and “transition” surgeries; and a rapidly increasing percentage of our young people identify as being on the queer spectrum. So yeah, I’m all for Ellis blowing the cash that could have been used to “shape the narrative” on herself instead—maybe if she’s feeling extra charitable, Ellis can commandeer the whole $30 million annual budget, force a bankruptcy, and condemn GLAAD to the dustbin of history.

Secondly, the report is furthering the cracks in the movement, and an at-war, fractured LGBTQ++ lobby is a good thing for everyone:

Lastly, I love schadenfreude, and I enjoy the view from my moral high horse as I watch yet another leftist organization buckle under the weight of greed, materialism, and scandal, screwing the very people they fundraise off of out of the money. This is a “told ya so” that feels great.

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Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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