FBI: Butler shooter’s motive unclear, but he definitely wasn’t politically motivated
New and emerging photos and details from the near-assassination of President Donald Trump don’t really make any sense, until you accept that the FBI is hopelessly corrupt; I’ve said this before and I’ll continue to say it, but the bureau is operating completely outside the authority delegated to the federal government by the Constitution, and the only lawful remedy is its complete abolition.
Here’s the story, from an article by Glenn Thrush, published by The New York Times yesterday:
Investigators — who performed an exhaustive search of his devices and online accounts — do not believe that Thomas Crooks, the would-be assassin who was killed by a Secret Service sniper, was motivated by a specific political ideology. They have found no evidence that he had any co-conspirators or connections to a foreign plot, F.B.I. officials said during a call with reporters on Wednesday.
While Mr. Crooks’s motive remains opaque, his online searches reveal someone who was looking for an opportunity to pull off a spectacular attack that would garner widespread attention, by either inflicting mass casualties or killing someone famous. Thus far, that profile more closely resembles that of a mass shooter than a politically motivated assassin.
So, after an “exhaustive” search through Crooks’s entire life, the “elite” investigative law enforcement agency doesn’t really have a clear motive, but they know he definitely wasn’t motivated by a “specific political ideology.” That explanation only makes sense if you’re blind and can’t see the facts, or if you’re deliberately ignoring what direction they’re pointing.
The political environment is poisoned, saturated in “Trump is literally Hitler” rhetoric, that those not voting Democrat are the “greatest threat” to “democracy” and America, conservatives are violent “insurrectionists” bound together by their racist and bigoted sentiments, and yada, yada, yada—with an attempt to take out the very figurehead of this red-blooded movement, this is where I’d start.
I mean who’s running this investigation, the bumbling idiot Park Police of the Vince Foster scandal?
Here’s another thing to consider too: If Crooks were looking for an “opportunity to pull off a spectacular attack” which would earn him notoriety, why in the world would he possibly attempt a presidential assassination? Obviously Crooks wasn’t mentally well, but he wasn’t a total idiot. Everyone knows that a president has a Secret Service detail, and security is heavy, over-the-top, and armed to the teeth… or is it? What about when it’s President Trump? As we clearly saw, what has been historically true was not true that day.
So, if notoriety were really the goal, it seems like the same level could be achieved with something like the Sharon Tate murder, with a much higher likelihood of success—unless Crooks knew something that we don’t, like the fact that he was going to be able to haul a ladder in plainview of law enforcement to a building just over a hundred yards away from where a president was set to speak, climb up it, set up a sniper’s nest, get spotted by a curious cop, and get a number of shots off before anyone was going to return fire. Assassinating Trump was only an “opportunity” within the realm of possibilty because somebody made it so.
Next, take a look at this:
FBI photo: "Thomas Crooks’ rifle broken down as was likely done for transport and the backpack recovered onsite."
— Steve Lookner (@lookner) August 28, 2024
Details of equipment here: https://t.co/pvJyWIbJ0y pic.twitter.com/ktgBWk2GA2
This barrel is at least 16 inches (or longer), which means the complete upper receiver is at least two feet long, and that’s after being detached from the lower receiver with the buffer tube and collapsible stock—how in the world are we expected to believe he concealed it in his backpack? The FBI’s own press release regarding this image conspicuously leaves out stated measurements of Crooks’s gear—are we the most naive idiots on the face of the planet?
None of this is passing the sniff test; pretty sure some might flag these FBI revelations as mis- or dis-information.
Image: YouTube video screen grab.