DNC operatives launch new legal battle to remove Green candidate from ballot
These are lawfare Democrats, not democracy Democrats.
According to an Associated Press article out today, an official employee of the Democratic National Convention just filed a new lawsuit in Wisconsin in an attempt to disqualify the Green Party candidate from being included on the November ballot. This new litigation is just one datum point in the overall trend of Democrats trying to remove opponents from ballots everywhere.
Here are some of the details reported by the AP:
An employee of the Democratic National Committee filed a complaint Wednesday seeking to remove the Green Party’s presidential candidate from the ballot in Wisconsin, arguing that the party is ineligible.
It’s the latest move by the DNC to block third-party candidates from the ballot. Democrats are also seeking to stop independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in several states.
Jill Stein is expected to officially become the Green Party’s presidential nominee at its national convention, which begins Thursday.
First the Democrat operatives aimed high, seeking to disqualify President Trump in a number of states, both through the courts and unilaterally via executive election officials—it didn’t work.
They also went after Robert F. Kennedy Jr., seeking his removal—that litigation is ongoing.
Now, they want the Green candidate gone too, arguing that the whole party is “ineligible.”
We can understand their desire to get rid of Trump—heaven knows they’ve done their darnedest—but the Greens and RFK Jr. aren’t Trump, so why are they in the crosshairs?
Well, because...this:
The last time Stein was on the ballot in Wisconsin for the Green Party was in 2016, when she got just over 31,000 votes — more than Donald Trump’s winning margin that year of just under 23,000 votes. Some Democrats blamed Stein for helping Trump win the state and the presidency.
Green voters are leftists—she’ll take away votes from the Democrat anointed—as are many of RFK Jr.’s supporters. The Democrats are entitled to those votes, personal convictions and freedom of choice be darned.
It doesn’t matter what the voters want when they don’t want Democrat. If we’re talking about supporters of Trump, Stein, or RFK. Jr., there’s no room for them and their voices or desires in this kind of “democracy.” This kind of democracy has coups to oust sure-losers, anoints candidates who never won a single primary or received a single delegate—sometimes cheating out the candidate the people picked—and uses any and all means and arguments to get to a one-candidate ticket.
“sAvE dEmOcRaCy!” they shriek!
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