DNC has a massive emissions footprint, but the brass has a solution: one ‘offsetting’ donation at a time

In the purported words of showman P. T. Barnum, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” And, coincidentally (or not), many of these suckers happen to be currently congregating in the exact same place at the exact same time: the United Center in Chicago, Illinois for the Democratic National Convention!

Coincidence or fate? Well, the event has a mobile unit where you can kill your baby or sterilize yourself in exchange for a “free” hot dog, and with a booked “roster” at the murder-on-wheels trailer, I’d argue the latter.

Even more so when you consider that the Democrat brass are now soliciting political donations from the little guy to “offset” the massive emissions footprint of the convention. Here is a real headline from an article by Juanpablo Ramirez-Franco and published at Grist today: “How do you reduce the carbon footprint of a political convention? One donation at a time.”

Hey, at least they’re (mostly) consistent. Donate to Democrat operatives and activists, or surrender even more of your money to the government via taxation if you want to make the weather gooder. The Simpsons’ Ralph Wiggum picking his nose would be the perfect representation of the average climitard, a term defined as this:

Here’s what else Ramirez-Franco wrote:

[C]limate-minded delegates and voters might be wondering what’s so sustainable about a gathering that pulls in 50,000 people from across the country, most of them by plane.

In other words, convention organizers want to make sure they walk the talk people will hear this week.

There’s a plan for that, including a mix of carbon offset programs that will emphasize local donations, with a focus on waste diversion and recycling that should triple the impact at United Center, where the convention is headquartered.

For large scale events, oftentimes travel is a big emissions factor — the number one emissions factor, in a lot of cases,’ said Marley Finnegan, a local sustainability advisor who is part of the team implementing the green strategies for the convention.

If the Democrats were really that concerned about emissions, what’s the excuse for all the pomp and circumstance? Didn’t they already officially coronate—excuse me, I mean “democratically” nominate their candidate over the phone earlier this month?

Furthermore, what does it take to supply cool air to a colossal event center during the sticky Illinois summer? What about all the hotel rooms for attendees and the “emissions” footprint there? The single-use plastic food packaging and utensils? The gas-powered rental cars? The generator supplying power for their curbside murderers and their uterus-vacuum aspirators? All their stupid “We ❤️ Joe” vinyl signs on what looks like PVC pipe?

Anyone who falls for this grift really is the sorriest sucker ever born.

Free image, Pixabay license

Image: Free image, Pixabay license.

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