Church Chernenko: Pope Francis gives Joe Biden a run for his money on slow reactions to major events

Is Pope Francis a clerical version of Joe Biden?

No, he's not senile. But he's strikingly slow at reacting to events, as if fighting the last war, instead of recognizing the one that's been thrown at him.

His slow statements on the Olympics and on Venezuela's stolen election give the impression of a Church in stasis, and I'm not talking about that part of the Church that holds to traditions. The pope has been making slow, reactive and out-of-tune pronuncimentos, suggestive of the aroma of the final decade of the Soviet Union, back when Leonid Brezhnev and Konstantin Chernenko were being held up like puppets to the party faithful.

On the Olympics, whose opening act featured a grotesque parody of the Last Supper by trans agenda enthusiasts mocking the Founder of the Church, the pope came out with this one, released in French:

Google translate says:

The Holy See was saddened by certain scenes at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games and cannot but join the voices that have been raised in recent days to deplore the offense done to many Christians and believers of other religions. In a prestigious event where the whole world comes together around common values, there should be no allusions that ridicule the religious convictions of many people. Freedom of expression, which is obviously not called into question, finds its limit in respect for others.

That "believers of other religions" was interesting, there is even a claim he was shamed into by an anti-Western Muslim dictator:



And as he stayed silent, he didn't shut this idiot up, either, making one wonder if he was in this guy's thrall:



Nevertheless, what the pope said was a good statement, but it's nine days after the event, the phony apology issued by the organizers, the mendacious denials of ill intent by the actors, and verbal thunderbolts from many of the Church's bishops, who wasted no time holding Masses and declaring acts of reparation for the blasphemy done.

Here are a couple:

The pope was not on the list.

The Church sinews may have moved on, but the pope is still waking up and smelling the coffee about what happened at the Olympics. It would be fine and dandy if the pope were the head of a small state that wasn't involved in the Olympics. But this was an attack that struck at the heart of the Church, so it was very much about the Church.

Is the pope so enthralled to special interests, such as reaching out to the trans community, which he has been trying to do, that he couldn't recognize the nature of this attack from that quarter? Did he think none of those people would ever speak to him if he stood firm and spoke up for the Church and ended the scandalization of its faithful? He seems a little slow about what the mission and essence of the Church is.

This was a no-brainer, yet he stayed silent for more than a week, as if frozen, paralyzed. It sounds like a Church is led by a man without a rudder.

On Venezuela, he's been similarly silent about the fraudulent result of that election, one which Latin Americans have seen thrown in their faces and spoken out against, including even those on the left, such as the leftist president of Chile, and the pope's former nemesis, the godawful Cristina Fernandez of Argentina who schemed to smear the pontiff as a dirty war criminal at the begining of his papacy. They seem to recognize the damage to the leftist brand this electoral fraud has done.

Pope Francis is the first Latin American pope and he's effectively sided with the Maduro dictatorship against the will of the people.

I have not seen his entire statement but I've seen enough to be concerned with how out of touch it is.

It starts out roughly right:

But it's nothing like this, which is what the Venezuelan bishops have put out:

It goes into "dialogue" as if Maduro and the opposition have not been dialoguing, and intensely dialoguing for the past 20 years. The dialogue ended with the election, and the voters delivered their dialogue to the government through the ballot box and their votes were stolen.

Thou shalt not steal.

It also goes into the need for "both sides" to avoid violence, as if the guns were on both sides, which they were not.

It calls on "both sides" to seek the truth, as if the actas, or vote tallies, gathered showing that the opposition won don't tell us anything.

That horse left the barn a long time ago.

Meanwhile, there also is the admonition for "both sides" to avoid violence. That's preposterous, Maduro is the only one shooting into crowds and hunting down dissidents in their homes.

In fact, in these nine days of papal silence, Maduro's moving on with like a crocodile, rounding up dissidents and getting his 're-education' camps ready, sounding more and more like another Marxist, Pol Pot, by the day:

This isn't a dispute with two sides, this is a monster refusing to be dislodged with vast millions of Venezuelans against him.

It doesn't help that Pope Francis has joined the world's bad guys and congratulated fraudulent election winners in the past:

There are claims I have not checked out suggesting that the pope is in financial hock to the Maduroites who visit him frequently in the Vatican, as they have placed a good chunk of their fortunes in Vatican banks, to avoid sanctions and scrutiny. If it's true, it would be awful.

In the meantime, the pope looks slow on the uptake and Mr. Magoo-like in recognizing the evil running rampant in both Catholic and Latin American affairs. it makes one wonder: Has the pope checked out? Is he effectively a continental Biden? Whatever it is, he's not leading the Church he was called to lead.

It's sad stuff, a sign of weakness, and can't help but open the door to some kind of palace coup from ambitious and malevolent players, such as Biden drew. Maybe he should retire before it gets worse.

Image: Twitter screen shot

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