Chris Cuomo blasts DNC for ‘price-gouging’ rhetoric…while it gouges convention-goers for luxury amenities

Like the Republican Party, the Democrat party is not actually a political party but a business entity—more specifically though, a corporation. (Ever wonder why it’s so hard for grassroots conservatives to make headway against the RINO machine? Well this is why.)

And, this Democrat corporation, while paying lip service to the abuse of corporations, and the cost-of-living crisis ostensibly  driven by “greedy” and “price-gouging” corporate monsters—a narrative featured heavily at the convention thus far—is engaged in its own off-the-charts price-gouging.

The exploitation is so extreme, that even longtime Democrat Chris Cuomo is blasting the hypocrisy. Of course, he’s just bitter about his CNN firing, but it doesn’t mean he’s wrong. From a report out at the New York Post:

Chris Cuomo blasted the Democratic Party for pledging to go after corporations over price gouging — even as it charges big donors between $500,000 and $5 million for a luxury suite at its Chicago convention.

‘A big theme here at the DNC is that they are going to go after corporate gouging and they’re going to go after corporations, whether it’s in taxes, largesse, loopholes,’ Cuomo said from the convention floor at the United Center during NewsNation’s coverage Wednesday night.

The former CNN star said that ‘we are strangled by the money reality in our politics.’

‘You pay to play.’

Is it any wonder why we see this same “pay-to-play” attitude when these people make it into office? That’s all they know, and these are just means to an end.

When grocery stores operate with a modest profit of between 1.6% and 2%, it’s price-gouging, necessitating price controls; but when the Democrats do it? Crickets, except from jilted, sour grapes Cuomo.

According to the United Center website, there are two “20-person” all-inclusive suite options, with pricing starting at $4,900 and $10,900, and contingent upon the event. But according to Cuomo, a 20-person suite at the DNC is running $1,000,000 for a “donor.” So what really is this “donor” purchasing? Certainly not just the chance to watch the event from an exclusive and catered vantage point? Here’s what Cuomo observed:

Cuomo then noted that the suites ‘were filled with the same people that they [Democrat politicians] say they’re going to regulate.’

‘They are literally looking down on the faithful … and being told, ‘We’re going to make them pay their fair share,’’ Cuomo said.

This is price-gouging for sure because the suites don’t actually cost that much—starting with the $10.9k figure established by the United Center, and then taking into account the $1,000,000 price tag at the DNC, that’s a 9,075% increase. And seriously, who would prefer watching Kamala, or Hillary, over a Chicago Blackhawks hockey game?

But I also think there are other terms for greasing the wheels, or what Cuomo calls a “pay to play” dynamic… bribery? Influence peddling? Corruption? Corporate greed?

Take your pick, and, chances are, you’ll hear it at the DNC, being hurled at all the scapegoats and none of the culprits.

2024 Democratic National Convention, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Image: Public domain.

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