Abortion wagon out front, progressive Catholic Cardinal Cupich gives the DNC invocation

Democrats put abortion front and center at their Chicago convention this year, with every speaker loudly endorsing it, but they also made a big deal out of families, the flag, and faith.

Frank Bruni, an opinion writer at the New York Times, noticed that oddity, and so did I:

Bruni Democrats are assertively reclaiming from Republicans the ideas, iconography and language of patriotism and freedom. The convention’s first night gave us flags upon flags. Nods to the nation’s athletic and military glory. Country music: Mickey Guyton’s “All American,” Isbell’s “Something More Than Free.” No accident — those titles. Those details. That message.

His colleague Jane Coaster added that it was quite "gauche" too:

Coaston I think often about how, for much of my life, it has felt like being a Democrat in some swaths of the country (or on Twitter) was something you tried to avoid advertising too prominently for fear of being basic or embarrassingly gauche. This was an evening that made it clear: This is what the Democratic Party believes, and this is who the Democratic Party is, and they are proud of it.

So we know it was fake, an act, a veneer, Potemkin patriotism and apple pie. Abortion is real as it gets in the Democrat platform, but it's tricked up with flags, religion and apple pie, and that's still gauche with these Democrat tastemakers, quite unlike what's seen at a Trump rally.

Obviously, as with everything else in this election, the fakery was poll-driven. Democrats wanted to appeal to mainstream and independent voters. And rather than allow themselves to be seen as extremists, they included religion in the showtime.

They're probably putting on this act based on experience. After all, back in 2012, Democrats let their real feelings about God hang out when most of them booed God as mentioned in the party platform, along with support for Israel. The internal polls must have been brutal.

But that was hardly a distant event. Outside the convention, their leftist allies were bellowing "f*** America" for supporting Israel in its war against Hamas terrorists. I saw a tweet video of it that I can't find now, but it's known that huge numbers of delegates at that convention are in full support of them.

But inside where most of the cameras are, they're wrapping themselves in the flag and claiming their convention is about "freedom," sounding a little George Bush-y, along with their talk about God, democracy, and family.

So who better to put forward then for this public relations show than a Catholic cardinal, who let himself be used for this Potemkin purpose?



The progressive cardinal of Chicago made his point in a generic, namby-pamby way, saying nice words about "unity" and "God's peace" that could be interpreted by anyone any way they liked. Worse still, he covered up the pectoral cross he and all cardinals wear, as if the most important image of Christianity were also, as the New York Times commentator put it, "gauche."

But as he issued his generic words to make the loudly vocal abortion advocates among all the pols speaking respectable, outside the event, reportedly a mere 75 feet, according, an abortion wagon stood, providing free abortions and vasectomies for any attendees who's like to dispose of their babies before hopping back into the convention hall and rejoining the party.

Curbside abortion, at their service, and according to NotTheBee, they're packing them in.

These Democrats were no longer about a theoretical and supposedly principled stance on "choice," they were about doing the act itself, in quantity, out front in public, like some kind of sick sacrament, abortion as a chuck wagon ladling out hash, mocking human life as an 'inconvenience' and disposing of it promptly into the medical waste dispensers for the incinerators, or worse, the body parts sales rackets.

Did the cardinal bless the abortion truck at the curb, too?

It's so disgusting that he indicated not a hint of disavowal at this central, signature Democrat issue at the convention he was putting his title and effectively, his endorsement on. How would he morally justify something like this? I doubt he'd have much of an explanation, so now we have a prince of the Church, going along with the Democrats's great slide downward on the elemental issue of the value of human life, allowing himself to be the face of respectability of their sickening stances, as if these guys didn't hate and undermine everything the Church ever stood for.

Cardinals need to pick their causes, and use the majesty of their offices wisely. This one chose poorly. What an awful cardinal.

Image: Screen shot from Forbes Breaking News, via YouTube

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